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Freescale Semiconductor MK30X128VMD100The Freescale Semiconductor MK30X128VMD100 is a Core features - 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 core (up to 100MHz CPU Clock) - DSP Support, MPU - Nested vectored interrupt contr. (NVIC) - Async. wake-up interrupt contr. (AWIC) - Debug & trace capability - 2-pin serial wire debug (SWD) - IEEE 1149.1 Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) - IEEE 1149.7 compact JTAG (cJTAG) - Trace port interface unit (TPIU) - Flash patch and breakpoint (FPB) - Data watchpoint and trace (DWT) - Instrumentation trace macrocell (ITM) System and power management - SW/HW watchdog with external monitor pin - DMA contr. with 16 channels - Low-leakage wake-up unit (LLWU) - Power management contr. with 10 different power modes - Non-maskable interrupt (NMI) - 128-bit unique identification (ID) number per chip Clocks - Multi-purpose clock generator - PLL and FLL operation - Internal reference clocks (32kHz or 2MHz) - 12MHz to 32MHz crystal osc. - 32kHz to 40kHz crystal osc. - Internal 1kHz low power osc. - DC to 50MHz external square wave input clock Memories and Memory Interfaces - FlexMemory (FlexNVM or FlexRAM) - up to 512 Flash - up to 128KB SRAM - Flash security and protection features - Serial flash programming interface (EzPort) Security and integrity - Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) Analog - 16-bit SAR ADC - Programmable voltage reference (VREF) - High-speed Analog comparator (CMP) with 6-bit DAC Timers - 1x8ch motor control/general purpose/PWM flexible timer (FTM) - 1x2ch quadrature decoder/general purpose/PWM flexible timer (FTM) - Carrier modulator timer (CMT) - Programmable delay block (PDB) - 1x4ch programmable interrupt timer (PIT) - Low-power timer (LPT) Communications - SPI - CAN - I2C with SMBUS support - UART (w/ ISO7816, IrDA and HW flow control) Human-machine interface - up to 102 GPIO (pin interrupt support, DMA request capability) - Capacitive touch sensing inputs - LCD display driver - Supports 3V or 5V glass - Configurable frontplane and backplane pins.
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