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Milandr MDR32F9Q2IThe Milandr MDR32F9Q2I is a (1986BE92 RUS) Core: - 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 processor, running at frequencies of up to 80 MHz - 1.25 DMIPS/MHz (Dhrystone 2.1) performance at 0 wait state memory access - memory Protection Unit (MPU) - 24-bit SysTick Timer Memory: - 128 KBytes of Flash memory (ISP and IAP) - 32 KBytes of SRAM - external system bus controller (support of SRAM, ROM and NAND Flash) Supply and Clock rate: - internal regulator for core voltage supply - built-in power control system - internal battery domain - internal 8 MHz RC clock generator with calibration - internal 40 kHz RC clockgenerator with calibration - external oscillator 2 . 16 MHz - external oscillator 32 KHz - on-board PLL for clock frequency - dedicated PLL for USB clock frequency Low power consumption modes: - Sleep, Stop and Standby - battery domain with RTC and backup registers Analog features: - 12-bit ADC (8 channels) - conversion range: 0 to 3.6 V - temperature sensor - 12-bit DAC - internal comparator Peripheral features: - DMA controller (32 channel) - USB 2.0 full-speed OTG controller (Device and Host) - 3 Synch. 16-bit Timers (Input Capture, Output Compare, PWM) - 2 * CAN interface (2.0B) - 2 * UART - 2 * SPI - 1 * I2C - 43 GPIO pins Debug mode: - 2 * JTAG and SWD.
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