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BINARY to Intel HEX Converter Utility

This utility program creates an Intel HEX file from a BINARY file. Options for this utility program are listed below:

Syntax: BIN2HEX [/option] binfile [hexfile]

binfile is the binary input file
hexfile is the Intel HEX file to create

option  may be any of the following

  /Ln     Bytes to read from binary file
  /In     Binary file starting offset
  /On     Output file address offset (where HEX data starts)
  /M      Merge data into existing HEX file
  /2      Generate HEX file using ext. segment address records (HEX86)
  /4      Generate HEX file using ext. linear address records (HEX386)
  /Q      Quiet mode (no statistics are displayed)
  /T      Exclude EOF record
  /A      Append to end of existing HEX file

Note: This utility program is a DOS application! It requires 8.3 naming convention for file names and paths and it does not run on 64Bit Windows versions! However, you can execute it in the XP mode (Virtual PC) of Windows 7 if necessary.

The utility srec_cat.exe is an excellent and more versatile replacement for HEX2BIN and BIN2HEX. This tool is part of the SRecord project hosted on You can download it from

Please see the following knowledgebase articles how HEX and BINARY files can be converted, merged and split using the srec_cat utility together with Keil microcontroller development tools.

Tuesday, August 10, 1999
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