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Infineon SAB80C517 Timer 2 Example Program

This example program shows how to configure timer/counter 2 of the Infineon 80C517 as a 16-bit timer with auto-reload. The timer is configured to count 1000 clock cycles. An interrupt service routine (ISR) is invoked each time the timer overflows.

Since Timer 2 is fully simulated by the uVision2 Debugger, you can view the timer configuration dialog as the timer SFRs are set. You can also step into the interrupt service routine and see that it is invoked 1000 times per second.

To test this program...

  1. Start the debugger.
  2. Set a breakpoint on the overflow_count++ line in the ISR.
  3. Run the program.

Each time the interrupt routine is invoked, the debugger stops running the program. Position the cursor over the overflow_count variable to view its current value.

80C517_TIMER2.ZIP (9.7K)
Wednesday, April 24, 2002
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