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MON51 HEX File for the Dallas DS5000 (11.0592 MHz)This file contains a pre-programmed monitor for the Dallas DS5000. The monitor provided is programmed to run at 11.0592MHz using 9600 baud. This configuration requires only the on-chip memory of the DS5000 which is used as follows: 0000-17FF: Mon51 Monitor Program 1800-1FFF: Mon51 Data Area 2000-6FFF: User Program 7000-7FFF: User XDATA The memory partition (stored in MCON) is moved by the monitor to download the user program and to set breakpoints. You must configure your target program to start at address 2000h. The monitor redirects interrupt vectors to 2003h, 200Bh, 2013h, and so on.
Wednesday, September 18, 2002 | ||||||||||
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