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Analog Devices ADuC845/847/848 D/A Example Program

This example program shows how to configure and use the D/A Converter of the following microcontrollers:

  • Analog Devices ADuC845
  • Analog Devices ADuC847
  • Analog Devices ADuC848

This program generates a sine wave as an analog output of the DAC. The digital values that create the sine wave are submitted to the converter for every tick of the built-in timer.

To run this program...

  1. Select the device from the pull-down target list.
  2. Build the project (Project - Build Target).
  3. Start the µVision Debugger.
  4. Click Go or Run (F5).
  5. View the Analog Output values in the D/A Converter Peripheral Dialog.

µVision3 users may enable the built-in Logic Analyzer to view and measure the resulting analog signal graphically.

Friday, September 17, 2004
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