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10 Mar 2008

RealView MDK support for SEGGER J-Link and J-Trace

Plano, TX: Keil announce support for the SEGGER Microcontroller J-Link and J-Trace hardware debug units in the RealView® Microcontroller Development Kit (MDK).

The SEGGER J-Link is a USB to JTAG adapter supporting ARM7, ARM9 and Cortex-M3 processor based devices with JTAG speeds of up to 12MHz. It interfaces to all evaluation boards and target hardware using a standard 20-pin or 14-pin (optional) JTAG connector.

The SEGGER J-Trace is a combined unit offering real-time trace and JTAG debugging for all ARM7 and ARM9 devices with an integrated ETM (Embedded Trace Macrocell). An integrated 2MB trace buffer enables high speed instruction and data trace at speeds of up to 200MHz, connecting to the target device via a 38-pin Mictor cable. J-Trace also includes a J-Link interface for standard JTAG target debugging via a 20-pin connector.


Trace information from J-Trace is displayed in dedicated windows, providing a seamless interface with other µVision debug and analysis tools.

J-Link is part of several starter kits from various vendors and is indentical with SAM-ICE (from Atmel) and mIDAS-Link (from Analog Devices). With direct J-Link support users can now easily begin taking advantage of the unique and advanced features of RealView MDK compared to other tool offerings and starter kits.

RealView MDK is available from Keil or your local Keil distributor. J-Link and J-Trace are available from SEGGER Microcontroller and its world wide sales channels.

About Keil

Keil, an ARM® company, makes C compilers, macro assemblers, real-time kernels, debuggers, simulators, integrated environments, and evaluation boards for ARM7/ARM9™/Cortex™-M3, XC16x/C16x/ST10, 251, and 8051 processor-based microcontroller families. Products available from Keil include embedded development tools, evaluation software, product updates, application notes, example code and technical support. More information on Keil is available at

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