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C51: GETCHAR Echoes Characters

Information in this article applies to:

  • C51 Version 5.x
  • C51 Version 6.x


I just discovered that the getchar function in the library echoes characters received.

Is there a getchar that I can use that will not echo characters?


Yes. The default getchar is implemented similar to the following:

char getchar (void)
char c;

c = _getkey ();
putchar (c);
return (c);

Note that this simple implementation does not account for the ungetchar function.

The following replacement for getchar will return received characters without echoing them:

char getchar (void)
return (_getkey ());

Again, note that this implementation does not account for the ungetchar function. If you use ungetchar, you must also include that functionality in your implementation of getchar.


Last Reviewed: Thursday, February 25, 2021

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