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RTX Memory Requirements

Task Specifications Performance
CODE Size < 4.0 KBytes
RAM Space for Kernel < 300 Bytes + 128 Bytes User Stack
RAM Space for a Task TaskStackSize + 52 Bytes
RAM Space for a Mailbox MaxMessages*4 + 16 Bytes
RAM Space for a Semaphore 8 Bytes
RAM Space for a Mutex 12 Bytes
RAM Space for a User Timer 8 Bytes
Hardware Requirements SysTick timer

Notes Note

  • The RTX Kernel for this test was configured for 10 tasks, 10 user timers, and stack checking disabled.
  • RAM requirements depend on the number of concurrently running tasks.
  • The code and RAM sizes were calculated using the MicoLib runtime library.
  • Further details are available at
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