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Microsemi Cortex-M1

The Microsemi Cortex-M1 is a Cortex-M1 can be programmed into the Actel M1A3P evaluation board. ARMv6-M instruction set architecture Executes all Thumb code-can run ARM7 and ARM9 Thumb subroutines 3-stage, 32-bit pipeline Separate memory and AHB-Lite interfaces Configurable nested vectored interrupt controller Optional fast or small multiplier Upward compatible with Cortex-M3.

[Chip Vendor] [Distributors]

Development Tools
Compiler, Assembler, Linker, Debugger
JTAG Debuggers
Data Sheets
1,906,852 bytes
Product Summary
484,012 bytes

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FLASH Utilities
Real-Time OS
Simulated Features
Simulation for this device is provided by the default peripheral simulation driver.

Complete peripheral simulation is not available and is not planned to be implemented by ARM.

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