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Infineon XMC4402-256

The Infineon XMC4402-256 is a CPU Core - High Performance 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 CPU with FPU - 120 MHz maximum frequency - DSP/MAC instructions - System timer (SysTick) for Operating System support - Floating Point Unit (FPU) - Memory Protection Unit (MPU) - Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller - Two General Purpose DMA (DMA) with up-to 12 channels - Event Request Unit (ERU) - Flexible CRC Engine (FCE) for multiple bit error detection On-Chip Memories - 16 KB boot ROM - 16 KB high-speed program memory - 32 KB high speed data memory - 32 KB high-speed communication - 512 KB Flash Memory with 4 KB instruction cache Communication Peripherals - Universal Serial Bus (USB), USB 2.0 host, Full-Speed, OTG, internal Phy - Controller Area Network interface (MultiCAN), Full-CAN/Basic-CAN with 2 nodes - 4 Universal Serial Interface Channels (USIC) usable as UART, double-SPI, quad-SPI, IIC, IIS, LIN interfaces - LED and Touch-Sense Controller (LEDTS) - SD and Multi-Media Card interface (SDMMC) Analog Frontend Peripherals - 4 Analog-Digital Converters (VADC) - Delta Sigma Demodulator with 4 channels - Digital-Analogue Converter (DAC) Industrial Control Peripherals - 4 Capture/Compare Units 4 (CCU4) - 2 Capture/Compare Units 8 (CCU8) - 4 High Resolution PWM (HRPWM) channels - 2 Position Interfaces (POSIF) - Window Watchdog Timer (WDT) - Die Temperature Sensor (DTS) - Real Time Clock module with alarm support - System Control Unit (SCU) for system configuration and control Input/Output Lines - Programmable port driver control module (PORTS) - Individually bit addressable - Tri-stated in input mode - Push/pull or open drain output mode - Boundary scan test support over JTAG interface On-Chip Debug Support - Full support for debug features: 8 breakpoints, CoreSight, trace - Various interfaces: ARM-JTAG, SWD, single wire trace.

[Chip Vendor] [Distributors]

Development Tools
Compiler, Assembler, Linker, Debugger
JTAG Debuggers
Data Sheets
Generic User Guide
1,755,988 bytes
Technical Reference Manual
935,507 bytes

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Header Files
FLASH Utilities
Real-Time OS
Simulated Features
Simulation for this device is provided by the default peripheral simulation driver.

Complete peripheral simulation is not available and is not planned to be implemented by ARM.

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