Product Information
Device Database®
Compliance Testing
Peripheral Simulation
For Infineon C504-2R /-2E — Compare/Capture Unit
Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:
- Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.
These simulation capabilities are described below.
Compare Capture Unit Dialog
The Capture Compare Unit (CCU) Dialog controls the compare and
capture functions. The compare function generates an output signal
when a compare timer equals a preset value. The capture function
stores a capture timer value based on an external signal.
Capture/Compare Channels Group
CCx (Capture Compare Registers 0-2) holds the target
compare or capture values.
CMSELx (Capture/Compare Mode Select Register 0-2)
selects one of the capture or compare operating modes.
CMSELx3 (Compare Timer 2 Output Signal To COUTx) if set
and compare mode is enabled, the output signal of the 10-bit
compare unit is sent to the COUTx pin.
Interrupts Group
CCxREN (Capture/Compare Rising Edge Interrupt Enable) is
set in capture mode to generate an interrupt when a low-to-high
transition of the corresponding CCx signal occurs. In compare mode,
CCxREN generates an interrupt when a a compare register (CCx)
matches the compare timer 1 value while the time is
CCxR (Capture/Compare Match On Up-count Flag) is set in
capture mode when a low-to-high transition of the corresponding CCx
capture signal occurs. In compare mode, CCxR is set when the
corresponding CCx compare register matches the compare timer 1
CCxFEN (Capture/Compare Falling Edge Interrupt Enable)
is set in capture mode to generate an interrupt when a high-to-low
transition of the corresponding CCx signal occurs. In compare mode,
CCxFEN generates an interrupt when a a compare register (CCx)
matches the compare timer 1 value while the time is
CCxF (Capture/Compare Match On Down-count Flag) is set
in capture mode when a high-to-low transition of the corresponding
CCx capture signal occurs. In compare mode, CCxR is set when the
corresponding CCx compare register matches the compare timer 1
Initial Value Group
CCxI (Compare Output Initial Value 0-2) if set, sets an
initial value of 1 to the corresponding CMSEL register when the
compare timer is not running. If reset the initial value is 0.
COUTxI (Compare Output Level In Trap Condition 0-2) if
set, sets an initial trap level of 1 to the corresponding compare
channel output. If reset, the initial trap value is 0.
Port Pins Group
CCx (Capture Compare Channel 0-2 Input/Output) displays
or sets the Capture Compare I/O Channel pins 0-2 (P1.2, P1.4 and
COUTx (Capture Compare Channel 0-2 Output) displays or
sets the Capture Compare Output Channel pins 0-2 (P1.3, P1.5 and
Compare Channel Group
CMP2 (Compare Timer 2 Compare Register) holds the 10-bit
compare value for compare timer 2.
ECT20 (Enable Compare Timer 2 Output) is set to enable
the COUT3 output when compare timer 2 is running.
COUTXI (COUT Invert) is set to invert the output signal
at COUTx in burst or multi-channel PWM mode.
COUT3I (COUT3 Initial Logic Level) is set to define the
output level of COUT3 prior to starting the compare timer.
COUT3 (Compare Unit Output) is the single-channel, PWM
output signal level of the 10-bit compare unit.
Multi Channel Modes Group
MPWM (Multi-channel PWM Mode Selection) selects the
multi-channel Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) operating mode.
BCM (Multi-channel PWM Mode Output Pattern Selection)
selects the output signal pattern (Idle, Rotate Right, Rotate Left
or Slow Down).
BCEN (Block Commutation Enable) enables the
multi-channel PWM modes of the CAPCOM unit.
ESMC (Enable Software Controlled Multi-channel PWM
Modes) when set, allows the Next Multi-channel PWM State (NMCS)
switch the 4, 5 or 6-phase follower state.
NMCS (Next Multi-channel PWM State) selects the follower
state (4, 5 or 6-phase) in multi-channel PWM mode.
BCMP/BCEM (Output Select/Error Mode Select Bit) if set
while in multi-channel mode, both the COUTx and the CCx outputs
receive the compare timer 2 output signals. If reset in
multi-channel mode, only the COUTx outputs receive the compare
timer 2 output signals. In block commutation mode, if block
commmutation error interrupts (EBCE) are enabled, this bit sets the
BCERR status when a "wrong follower" condition occurs.
Trap Group
CTRAP (External Trap Input Signal) is an external signal
that decouples the CCx and COUTx output signal levels from the
output of the compare unit.
TRPEN (External CTRAP Trap Function Enable Bit) enables
the trap function for CTRAP input.
TRENx (Trap Enable Control Bits) enables the CCx and
COUTx outputs. TREN0, TREN2 and TREN4 control the CCx outputs.
TREN1, TREN3 and TREN5 control the COUTx outputs.
Emergency Int. Group
ETRP (Emergency Trap Interrupt Enable) is set to enable
the emergency interrupt when a CCU trap signal occurs.
TRF (Trap Flag) is set when the trap function is enabled
and the external trap input (CTRAP) becomes active (low).
EBCE (Enable Interrupt of Block Commutation Mode Error)
if set, allows the a block commutation mode error to trigger an
emergency interrupt.
BCERR (Block Commutation Mode Error Flag) is set if all
INTx inputs are high or all low after a INTx transition. A "wrong
follower" condition in the BCM can also set this flag.
Hall Sensors Group
INTx in block commutation PWM mode, these inputs control
the levels of the CCx and COUTx outputs based on the Block
Commutation Mode (BCM) value.