Peripheral Simulation
For Infineon C508 — A/D Converter (10-bit, 8 channels)
Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:
- Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.
- VTREGs (Virtual Target Registers) which support I/O with the peripheral.
These simulation capabilities are described below.
Analog/Digital Converter Dialog
The Analog/Digital Converter dialog displays and configures the
A/D converter. The controls in this dialog are separated into several
logical groups.
Analog/Digital Converter Group
ADCON0 (ADC Control Register 0) contains the Interrupt
(IADC), Busy (BSY) and Mode (ADM) status.
ADCON1 (ADC Control Register 1) contains the conversion
clock prescaler settings (ADCL0) and ADCL1).
ADDATH (A/D Converted Data - High byte) contains the
most significant 8-bits of the 10-bit A/D conversion result.
ADDATL (A/D Converted Data - Low byte) contains the
least significant 2-bits of the 10-bit A/D conversion result.
BSY (Busy Flag) is hardware controlled and is set when
an A/D conversion is in progress.
ADM (A/D Mode) is set to trigger a new A/D conversion
automatically (Continuous Mode). If reset, only 1 value is
converted (Single Conversion Mode). Resetting this bit stops A/D
conversion when the current conversion completes.
ADCL0 (A/D Conversion Clock Ratio 0) used with ADCL1 to
determine the prescaler ratio for the A/D conversion clock. This
bit is set by default.
ADCL1 (A/D Conversion Clock Ratio 1) used with ADCL0 to
determine the prescaler ratio for the A/D conversion clock. This
bit is reset by default.
IADC (A/D Converter Interrupt Request Flag) is set by
the hardware when an A/D conversion completes. It must be reset by
Analog Input Channels Group
AIN0-AIN3 (Analog Input Channels 0-3) are used for
setting voltage input to the ADC. These 4 inputs are alternate
functions for Port pins P1.0-P1.3. The text box displays the analog
voltage value for each input channel.
AIN4-AIN7 (Analog Input Channels 4-7) are used for
setting voltage input to the ADC. These 4 inputs are alternate
functions for Port pins P3.2-P3.5. The text box displays the analog
voltage value for each input channel.
Reference Voltages Group
VAREF (A/D Reference Voltage) contains the maximum
voltage value allowed for A/D conversion. When the analog input
value exceeds this value, the digital result is 0x3FF.
VAGND (A/D Reference Ground) contains the minimum
voltage value allowed for A/D conversion. When input voltage is
below this value, the digital result is 0x0000.
Data Type: float
The AINx VTREGs set the analog input voltages for simulated A/D
converters. The AINx VTREGs represent the inputs to the analog input
pins of the MCU for analog input 0, 1, 2, and so on. AIN0 sets the
input voltage for analog input #0, AIN1 sets the input voltage for
analog input #1, etc. If you have properly configured the analog
inputs, the following commands (typed in the debugger's Command
Window) input the voltages specified.
AIN0 = 0.000 /* Analog Input 0 = 0.000 volts */
AIN1 = 2.500 /* Analog Input 1 = 2.500 volts */
AIN2 = 4.999 /* Analog Input 2 = 4.999 volts */
You may also enter the analog input voltages using the A/D
Converter Dialog which is accessable from the Peripherals menu. You
may create a debugger signal function to periodically change the
value of the A/D input. The following signal function increases the
A/D Channel 1 input voltage by 0.1 volts each second.
signal void AIN1_sig (void) {
float f;
for (f = 0.0; f < 5.0; f += 0.1)
swatch (1.0); // Delay 1 second
AIN1 = f; // Set AIN1 Voltage
Data Type: float
The VAGND VTREG contains the A/D Reference Ground (the minimum
voltage allowed for A/D conversions). When an A/D input voltage is
below this value, the digital result is 0x0000.
Data Type: float
The VAREF VTREG contains the A/D Reference Voltage (the maximum
voltage allowed for A/D conversions). When the analog input value
exceeds this value, the digital result is 0x3FF.