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Peripheral Simulation

For Silicon Laboratories, Inc. C8051F120 — D/A Converter (2x12-bit)

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

  • Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.
  • VTREGs (Virtual Target Registers) which support I/O with the peripheral.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

Digital / Analog Converter Dialog

Digital / Analog Converter

The Digital/Analog Converter dialog displays and configures simulation capabilities of the two Digital/Analog Converters. The controls in this dialog are separated into several logical groups.

Digital/Analog Converter 0

  • DAC0CN (DAC 0 Control Register) displays and configures the D/A Converter control register.
  • DAC0EN (DAC 0 Enable) enables DAC 0 operation.
  • DAC0MD (DAC 0 Mode) determines when the DAC output is updated, based on either a write to DAC0 or when Timer 2, 3 or 4 overflows.
  • DAC0DF (DAC Data Format) determines the position of the 12-bit digital output within a 16-bit word.

Analog Output 0

  • DAC0H (DAC Data Output - High byte) is the MSB of the DAC output word.
  • DAC0L (DAC Data Output - Low byte) is the LSB of the DAC output word.
  • DAC0 (Output Register) displays the converted analog voltage value.

Digital/Analog Converter 1

  • DAC1CN (DAC 1 Control Register) displays and configures the D/A Converter control register.
  • DAC1EN (DAC 1 Enable) enables DAC 1 operation.
  • DAC1MD (DAC 1 Mode) determines when the DAC output is updated, based on either a write to DAC1 or when Timer 2, 3 or 4 overflows.
  • DAC1DF (DAC Data Format) determines the position of the 12-bit digital output within a 16-bit word.

Analog Output 1

  • DAC1H (DAC Data Output - High byte) is the MSB of the DAC output word.
  • DAC1L (DAC Data Output - Low byte) is the LSB of the DAC output word.
  • DAC1 (Output Register) displays the converted analog voltage value.

Reference Voltage

  • VREF contains the bandgap output reference voltage.
  • VREFD contains the voltage at the DAC voltage reference input pin.
  • REF0CN (Reference Control Register) contains the following controls:
  • BIASE (Bias Generator Enable) is set to enable internal bias voltage generation.
  • REFBE (Reference Buffer Enable) is set to use the VREF pin to drive the internal voltage reference.

Data Type: float

The DAC0OUT VTREG represents the analog output voltage for simulated D/A converter. The DAC0OUT VTREG represents the outputs from the DAC 0 output pin of the MCU.

Data Type: float

The DAC1OUT VTREG represents the analog output voltages for simulated D/A converter 1. The DAC1OUT VTREG represents the outputs from the DAC 1 output pin of the MCU.

Get more information about the
Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.
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