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Peripheral Simulation

For Atmel AT91M55800A — USART0

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

  • Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

USART 0 Dialog


The USART 0 Dialog configures USART 0. A USART transfers serial data to and from external devices and the ARM controller. The USART can be configured in a variety of ways to suit the external serial device.

Control Group

  • US0_CR (USART 0 Control Register) displays the combined control information for the following:
  • RXEN (Receiver Enable) click to enable the receiver.
  • TXEN (Transmitter Enable) click to enable the transmitter.
  • RXDIS (Receiver Disable) click to disable the receiver.
  • TXDIS (Transmitter Disable) click to disable the transmitter.
  • RSTRX (Reset Receiver) click to reset the receiver.
  • RSTTX (Reset Transmitter) click to reset the transmitter.
  • RSTSTA (Reset Status Bits) click to reset the Parity Error (PARE), Framing Error (FRAME), Overrun Error (OVRE) and Break Received (RXBRK) status bits.
  • SENDA (Send Address) click to set the address bit with the next character written (multi-drop mode only).
  • STTTO (Start Time-out) click to restart the wait time-out for a new character.
  • STTBRK (Start Break) click to generate a break condition after the next character is sent.
  • STPBRK (Stop Break) click to cancel a break condition.

Mode & Baud Rate Group

  • US0_MR (Mode Register) contains the USART Mode settings which is which is determined by settings of other controls in this group.
  • CHMODE (Channel Mode) selects normal, loopback, echo or remote loopback pin configurations.
  • SYNC (Synchronous Mode Select)
  • CHRL (Character Length) selects the number of bits per character.
  • PAR (Parity Type) selects the generation of even, odd or no parity bits, mark or space, or multi-drop mode.
  • NBSTOP (Number of Stop Bits) selects the number of stop bits to be sent with each character.
  • US0_BRGR (Baud Rate Generator Register) holds the Clock Divisor (CD) value.
  • USCLKS (Clock Selection) selects clock source and type.
  • Baudrate displays the baud rate calculated by the USART.
  • CLKO (Clock Output Select)
  • CD (Clock Divisor) contains the value divided into the clock that determines the baud rate.

Receiver Time-out & Transmitter Time-guard Group

  • US0_RTOR (Receiver Time-out Register) holds the receiver time-out value.
  • TO (Time Out) sets the time-out counter value used with the Start Time-out command.
  • US0_TTGR (Transmitter Time-guard Register) holds the transmitter time guard value.
  • TG (Time-guard) sets the length of time TXD is inactive after each character.

Receiver & Transmitter Group

  • US0_RHR (Receiver Holding Register)
  • RXCHR (Received Character) holds the last character received.
  • US0_THR (Transmitter Holding Register)
  • TXCHR (Character to be Transmitted) holds the next character to be transmitted.

Peripheral Data Controller Group

  • US0_RPR (Receive Pointer Register) holds the receive buffer address.
  • US0_TPR (Transmit Pointer Register) holds the transmit buffer address.
  • US0_RCR (Receive Counter Register) holds the receive counter (RXCTR) value.
  • US0_TCR (Transmit Counter Register) holds the transmit (TXCTR) value.
  • RXCTR (Receive Counter) contains the size of the receive buffer.
  • TXCTR (Transmit Counter) contians the size of the receive buffer.

Interrupt Mask & Channel Status Group

  • US0_IMR (Interrupt Mask Register)
  • US0_CSR (Channel Status Register)
  • TXEMPTY (Transmitter Empty) set if there are no characters in the transmitter hold register(US0_THR).
  • TIMEOUT (Receiver Time-out) set if a Start Time-out counter has elapsed.
  • PARE (Parity Error) set if the controller detects at least 1 false parity bit since the last Reset Status Bits command (RSTSTA).
  • FRAME (Framing Error) set if the controller detects a framing error since the last Reset Status Bits command (RSTSTA).
  • OVRE (Overrun Error) set if the controller detects an overrun condition since the last Reset Status Bits command (RSTSTA).
  • ENDTX (End of Transmitter Transfer) is set if the End of Transmitter signal is active.
  • ENDRX (End of Receiver Transfer) is set if the End of Receiver signal is active.
  • RXBRK (Break Received/End of Break) is set if the USART receives a break since the last Reset Status Bits command (RSTSTA).
  • TXRDY (Transmitter Ready) set if the transmit hold register (US0_THR) is empty and there is no break request pending.
  • RXRDY (Receiver Ready) set when the USART receives at least 1 character and the receiver hold register (US0_RHR) is not empty.
Get more information about the
Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.
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