Peripheral Simulation
For Atmel AT91M55800A — Digital/Analog Converter 0 (1 Channel)
Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:
- Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.
- VTREGs (Virtual Target Registers) which support I/O with the peripheral.
These simulation capabilities are described below.
Digital/Analog Converter 0 Dialog
The Digital/Analog Converter 0 dialog displays and configures the
D/A converter. The controls in this dialog are separated into several
logical groups.
Control Group
DAC0_CR (Control Register) displays and configures the
D/A Converter control register.
SWRST (Software Reset) button performs a
softwar-triggered reset of the DAC.
Mode Group
DAC0_CR (DAC Control Register) displays and configures
the D/A Converter control register.
RES (Resolution) transfers an 8-bit value to the convert
registers, if set. 10-bit data is transferred in 16-bit format, if
TTRGSEL (Timer Trigger Selection) selects the hardware
trigger source.
TTRGEN (Timer Trigger Enable) enables data transfer
synchronization using the timer trigger.
Data Holding & Output Group
DAC0_DHR (Data Holding Register) displays the digital
data to be converted.
DAC0_DOR (Output Register) displays the digital data
being converted.
Interrupt Mask & Status Group
DAC0_IMR (Data Holding Register) holds the Data Ready
for Conversion Interrupt Mask (DATRDY) setting.
DATRDY (Data Ready for Conversion Interrupt Mask)
enables the Data Ready for Conversion interrupt.
DAC0_SR (Output Register) holds the Data Ready for
Conversion (DATRDY) status.
DATRDY (Data Ready for Conversion) is set when the Data
Output Register (DAC0_DOR) receives the last data written to the
Data Holding Register (DAC0_IMR).
Analog Output Group
DA0 (Analog Output) displays the analog voltage
Reference Voltage
DAVREF (Analog reference) configures the output voltage
limit for DA0.
Data Type: float
The DAVREF VTREG sets the analog reference voltage for simulated
D/A converters.
Data Type: float
The DAx VTREGs represent the analog output voltages for simulated
D/A converters. If you have properly configured the analog outputs,
the following commands (typed in the debugger's Command Window)
display the voltages at each D/A output pin.
DA0 /* Output D/A Channel 0 value */
DA1 /* Output D/A Channel 1 value */
You may create a debugger signal function to process the voltage
output on a D/A. The following signal function simulates a wire
connecting D/A channel 0 to A/D channel 0. The value is copied 10
times per second.
signal void da_sig (void) {
while (1) {
AD0 = DA0; /* Feed DA0 back into AD0 */
swatch(0.1); /* Sleep for 0.1 sec */