Peripheral Simulation
For NXP (founded by Philips) P89LPC936 — SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)
Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:
- Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.
- VTREGs (Virtual Target Registers) which support I/O with the peripheral.
These simulation capabilities are described below.
SPI Dialog
The Serial Peripheral Interface Dialog allows you to view and edit
the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) simulator configuration.
Simulation of this interface is controlled by the following
Control Group
SPCTL (Serial Peripheral Control Register) contains the
following bits that control the functions of the SPI:
SSIG (SS Pin Ignore) is set to allow the MSTR bit to
determine whether this is a master or a slave. If reset, the state
of the SS pin decides this.
SPEN (SPI Enable) is set to enable the SPI
DORD (Data Order) is set to transmit the least
significant bit of the data word first. If reset, the most
significant bit is sent first.
MSTR (Master Mode) is set to configure this SPI device
as a Master.
CPOL (Clock Polarity) is set when the SPI clock (SPICLK)
is active low. If reset, SPICLK is active high.
CPHA (Clock Phase) is set to sample data on the second
edge of the SPICLK period.
Clock Rate (SPI Clock Rate Select) selects the SPI clock
rate divisor when the SPI is configured as a master.
SPI Master Clock is the SPI clock value (SPICLK) based
on the clock rate setting.
Status Group
SPSTAT (SPI Status) contains the following
SPIF (SPI Transfer Complete) is set when the SPI
completes a data transfer operation. This bit clears after this
register and the data register (SPDAT) are read.
WCOL (Write Collision Detected) is set when the SPDAT is
written while an SPI transfer is still in progress.
Data Group
SPDAT (SPI Data Register) contains the either the data
to be transmitted or the data received. In Master mode, writing to
this register starts data transfer.
Slave Select Group
SS# Pin (Slave Select) is the signal level at the slave
select pin.
Data Type: unsigned int
The SPI_IN VTREG contains a byte which is received via the
MCU SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) port on the next SPI transfer.
You may use this VTREG in a simulation script. For example:
signal void spi_func (void) {
while (1) {
wwatch (SPI_OUT);
printf ("SPI_OUT: %2.2X\n", (unsigned) SPI_OUT);
This signal function returns the SPI byte send plus 1 on the next
SPI transfer.
Data Type: unsigned int
The SPI_OUT VTREG contains a byte output via the MCU SPI
(Serial Peripheral Interface) port. When your simulated program sends
a byte via SPI, the SPI_OUT VTREG is set with the value
output. You may monitor this VTREG in a simulation script. For
signal void spi_watcher (void) {
while (1) {
wwatch (SPI_OUT);
printf ("SPI_OUT: %2.2X\n", (unsigned) SPI_OUT);