Product Information
Device Database®
Compliance Testing
Peripheral Simulation
For Infineon XC164LM-8F — High-Speed Synchronous Serial Interface SSC0
Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:
- Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.
- VTREGs (Virtual Target Registers) which support I/O with the peripheral.
These simulation capabilities are described below.
Synchronous Serial Interface 0 Dialog
The Synchronous Serial Interface 0 dialog allows you to edit the
configuration of the Synchronous Serial Interface. The controls in
this dialog are separated into several logical groups.
Control & Status
CON (SSC Control Register) contains the following
control and status settings:
EN (Enable) is set to enable the Synchronous Serial
MS (Master Select) is set to generate shift clocking
from SCLK.
BSY (Busy Flag) indicates data transfer is in
LB (Loop Back Control) is set to connect received input
to transmitted output.
PO (Clock Polarity Control) is set make the clock line
low-active and the leading clock edge is a high-to-low
PH (Clock Phase Control) is set to latch receive data on
the leading clock edge and shift on the trailing edge. If reset,
Shift receive data on the leading clock edge and latch on the
trailing edge.
HB (Heading Control) is set to transmit or receive MSB
first. if reset, LSB is first.
AREN (Automatic Reset Enable) is set to automatically
reset the SSC on a baudrate error.
- TB (Transmit Buffer) contains the transmit data.
- RB (Receive Buffer) contains the received data.
BR (Baudrate Timer / Reload Register) contains the
13-bit baudrate timer.
- Baudrate is the generated baud rate.
BM (Data Width Selection) selects the transfer data
widths from 2-bits to 16-bits.
- BC (Bit Count Field) displays the bit-shift count.
Error Detection
BEN (Baudrate Error Enable) is set to check for baudrate
PEN (Phase Error Enable) is set to check for phase
REN (Receive Error Enable) is set to check for receive
TEN (Transmit Error Enable) is set to check for
transmission errors.
BE (Baudrate Error Flag) is set when the baudrate from
the slave varies more than a factor of .5 or 2.
PE (Phase Error Flag) is set when the received data
changes sampling clock edge.
RE (Receive Error Flag) is set when data is received
before the receive buffer is read.
TE (Transmit Error Flag) is set when a transfer starts
before the slaves transmit buffer is updated.
TIR (Transmit Interrupt) is set before the last bit of
an asynchronous frame is transmitted, or after the last bit of a
synchronous frame has been transmitted.
RIR (Receive Interrupt) is set when the received frame
is moved to RBUF.
EIR (Error Interrupt) is set when a receive or transmit
error occurs.
Port Directions
DP3.8 in Master mode, is set for input, in Slave mode,
is reset for output.
DP3.9 in Master mode, is set for output, in Slave mode,
is reset for input.
DP3.13 in Master mode, is set for output, in Slave mode,
is reset for input.
Data Type: unsigned int
Data Type: unsigned int
Data Type: unsigned int