Product Information
Device Database®
Compliance Testing
Peripheral Simulation
For Infineon XC164LM-8F — Capture/Compare Unit CAPCOM6 with T12, T13
Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:
- Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.
These simulation capabilities are described below.
CCU6: Capture/Compare Dialog
The CCU6: Capture/Compare dialog allows you to view and
interactively configure the sixteen channels of the Capture/Compare
Unit 6. Typically, your embedded program writes values to SFRs to
configure the CAPCOM Unit and the CAPCOM channels. You may use this
dialog to view and confirm the CAPCOM settings.
CC Registers
CC6xR (Channel x Capture/Compare Register) contains the
value of the CAPCOM register for channel x. The values in these
registers are copied from the shadow register values.
CC6xSR (Channel x Capture/Compare Shadow Register)
specifies the value to be loaded into the CC6xR register.
Dead Time Control
T12DTC (Timer 12 Dead Time Control Register) contains
the DTE and DTR bit settings for channels 0-2, and the DTM
DTM (Dead Time Control Register) sets the delay to be
used between switching from a passive state to an active
DTEx (Dead Time Generation Enable x) is set to enable
dead-time generation for channel x.
DTRx (Dead Time Run Flag x) is set when the dead-time
counter for channel x is running.
T12MSEL (T12 Mode Select Register) contains the MSEL60,
MSEL61 and MSEL62 mode selection setting.
MSEL6x (Capture/Compare Mode Selection Channels 0-2)
selects the operating mode for each CCU channel.
Compare Channel
CC63R (Channel 3 Compare Register) contains the value
compared to the T13 counter.
CC63SR (Channel 3 Compare Shadow Register) contains the
values to be transferred to the CC63R compare register.
ECT13O (Enable Compare Timer T13 Output) is set to allow
the signal at COUT63 to reflect T13 output.
Capture/Compare State
CMPSTAT (Compare State Register) contains the T13IM,
CC6xPS, CC6xST and COUT6xPS settings.
CMPMODIF (Compare State Modification Register) contains
the MCC6xS and MCC6xR settings.
T13IM (T13 Inverted Modulation Control) inverts signal
CC63_O for modulating CC6x and COUT6x signals.
CC6xST (T13/T12 Compare State Bit) if set during compare
mode, the timer count is greater than the compare value. If set in
capture mode, it indicates a detection of the selected edge.
MCC6xS (Capture/Compare Channel x Status Set Bit)
clicking this button sets the CC6xST bit.
MCC6xR (Capture/Compare Channel x Status Reset Bit)
clicking this button clears the CC6xST bit.
CC6xPS and COUT6xPS (Passive State Select for
Compare Output) is set to make CC6x and COUT6x outputs passive
level driven.
Port Pins
CC6x and COUT6x (Capture/Compare Channel x
Output) are the CCU channel output pins.
CCU6: Modulation Dialog
The CCU6: Modulation dialog allows you to view and interactively
configure the modulation, trap and passive state level controls of
Capture/Compare Unit 6.
MODCTR (Modulation Control Register) contains the
following modulation control bits:
MCMEN (Multi-Channel Mode Enable) is set to enable
modulation control.
ETC13O (Enable Compare Timer T13 Output) is set to allow
the signal at COUT63 to reflect T13 output.
T12MODEN.x (T12 Modulation Enable Bits 0-5) is set to
modulate the corresponding output to Timer 12.
T13MODEN.x (T13 Modulation Enable Bits 0-5) is set to
modulate the corresponding output to Timer 13.
Trap Control
TRPCTR (Trap Control Register) contains the trap
configuration bits described below:
TRPMx (Trap Mode Control Bits 0-1) selects whether the
trap is terminated using a Timer 12 or Timer 13 match.
TRPM2 (Trap Mode Control Bit 2) is set to allow software
initiate the trap. If reset, it is initiated by hardware.
TRPEN13 (Trap Enable Control for T13 Output) is set to
enable the trap function for Timer 13 output signal CC63.
- TRPPEN (Trap Pin Enable Control)
CTRAP# is the input signal controlling the trap
TRPEN.x (Trap Enable Control for T12 Outputs) is set to
enable the trap function for Timer 12 output signals COUT62, CC62,
COUT61, CC61, COUT60 and CC60.
Passive State Level
PSLR (Passive State Level Register) contains the
following passive state control bits:
PSL.x (T12 Outputs Passive State Level Control) is set
to define the passive level for output pins COUT62, CC62, COUT61,
CC61, COUT60 and CC60 to 1.
PSL63 (T13 Output COUT63 Passive State Level Control) is
set to define the passive level for output pin COUT63 to 1.
Multi-Channel Output
MCMOUTS (Multi-Channel Mode Output Shadow Register)
contains the following bits:
STRMCM (Shadow Transfer Request for MCMPS) is set to
move MCMPS data to the MCMP.
STRHP (Shadow Transfer Request for the Hall Patterns) is
set to move data from CURHS and EXPHS to CURH and EXPH.
MCMPS.x (Multi-Channel PWM Pattern Shadow Field)
contains the multi-channel PWM pattern to be loaded into MCMP.
EXPHS.x (Expected Hall Pattern Shadow Field) contains
the expected pattern to be loaded into EXPH.
CURHS.x (Current Hall Pattern Shadow Field) contains the
current pattern to be loaded into CURH.
MCMOUT (Multi-Channel Mode Output Register) contains the
following bits:
R (Reminder Flag) is set when trigger source requests a
shadow transfer from bit field MCMPS to MCMP.
MCMP.x (Multi-Channel Modulation Pattern Bits 0-5) are
set to define the modulation pattern for output pins COUT62, CC62,
COUT61, CC61, COUT60 and CC60.
EXPH.x (Expected Hall Pattern Bits 0-2) contains the
expected hall pattern to be compared to the sampled hall
CURH.x (Current Hall Pattern Bits 0-2) contains the
current hall pattern
Hall Sensors
- CC6POSx are the 3 Hall pattern sensor inputs.
Multi-Channel Control
MCMCTR (Multi-Channel Mode Control Register) contains
the following multi-channel control bits:
SWSEL (Switching Selection) selects the trigger source
for the shadow transfer.
SWSYN (Switching Synchronization) triggers a requested
shadow transfer from MCMPS to MCMP.
Timer 12 Dialog
The Timer 12 Dialog allows you to view and change the SFRs
associated with Timer 12. This timer is used to generate the time
base for the Capture/Compare Unit of the MCU.
TCTR0 (Timer Control Register 0) contains basic timer
control settings common to Timer 12 and Timer 13.
TCTR2 (Timer Control Register 2) controls
synchronization and single-shot functions of Timer 12 and Timer
TCTR4 (Timer Control Register 4) contains the run
control and reset bits for Timer 12 and Timer 13.
T12CLK (Timer 12 Input Clock Select) selects the input
clock frequency for Timer 12.
T12R (Timer 12 Run Bit) when set, Timer 12 is
STE12 (Timer 12 Shadow Transfer Enable) when set,
initiates a Timer 12 shadow transfer event.
CDIR (Count Direction of Timer 12) when set, Timer 12
counts down. When reset, Timer 12 counts up.
CTM (Timer 12 Operating Mode) when set, Timer 12
operates in center-aligned mode. In this mode, T12 counts down
after detecting a perio-match and counts up after detecting a
one-match. When reset, Timer 12 operates in edge-aligned mode. In
this mode, T12 only counts up to the period-match value, then
restarts counting at zero.
T12SSC (Timer 12 Single-Shot Control) when set, Timer 12
operates in single-shot (stop counting after one timer period)
T12PRE (Timer 12 Prescaler Bit) when set, enables a
prescaler factor of 256 for Timer 12.
T12HR (CCU Timer 12 Hardware Run Signal) when set,
starts Timer 12 running. IST12HR controls which pin (T12HR _0,
T12HR _1 or T12HR _2) generates this signal.
T12RR (Timer 12 Run Reset) when set, T12R clears and
Timer 12 stops counting.
- T12RS (Timer 12 Run Set) when set, T12R is set.
T12RES (Timer 12 Reset) when set, zeroes the
DTRES (Dead-Time Counter Reset) when set, zeroes the 3
dead-time counters.
T12STR (Timer 12 Shadow Transfer Request) when set, sets
STE12, enabling shadow transfers.
T12STD (Timer 12 Shadow Transfer Disable) when set,
clears STE12, disabling shadow transfers.
Timer & Period
T12 (Timer/Counter) contains the current count value of
Timer 12.
T12PR (Timer 12 Period Register) contains the value
matched to the T12 counter to trigger a Timer 12 period-match
Int. Node 2
ECCIP2 (CCU6 Interrupt Node Pointer 2 Enable) when set,
enables interrupt node pointer 2.
T12OM (Timer 12 One-Match) is set to indicate a Timer 12
one-match event occurred.
T12PM (Timer 12 Period-Match) is set to indicate a Timer
12 period-match event occurred.
ST12OM (Set Timer 12 One-Match) when set, forces the
one-match event flag(T12OM).
ST12PM (Set Timer 12 Period-Match) when set, sets the
period-match event flag(T12PM).
RT12OM (Reset Timer 12 One-Match) when set, clears the
one-match event flag(T12OM).
RT12PM (Reset Timer 12 Period-Match) when set, clears
the period-match event flag(T12PM).
ENT12OM (Enable Timer 12 One-Match) when set, allows an
interrupt to be generated when a one-match event occurs on Timer
ENT12PM (Enable Timer 12 Period-Match) when set, allows
an interrupt to be generated when a period-match event occurs on
Timer 12.
Timer 13 Dialog
The Timer 13 Dialog allows you to view and change the SFRs
associated with Timer 13. This timer is used to generate the time
base for the Capture/Compare Unit of the MCU.
TCTR0 (Timer Control Register 0) contains basic timer
control settings common to Timer 12 and Timer 13.
TCTR2 (Timer Control Register 2) controls
synchronization and single-shot functions of Timer 12 and Timer
TCTR4 (Timer Control Register 4) contains the run
control and reset bits for Timer 12 and Timer 13.
T13CLK (Timer 13 Input Clock Select) selects the input
clock frequency for Timer 13.
T13R (Timer 13 Run Bit) when set, Timer 13 is
STE13 (Timer 13 Shadow Transfer Enable) when set,
initiates a Timer 13 shadow transfer event.
T13SSC (Timer 13 Single-Shot Control) when set, Timer 13
operates in single-shot (stop counting after one timer period)
T13PRE (Timer 13 Prescaler Bit) when set, enables a
prescaler factor of 256 for Timer 13.
T13HR (CCU Timer 13 Hardware Run Signal) when set,
starts Timer 13 running. IST13HR controls which pin (T13HR _0,
T13HR _1 or T13HR _2) generates this signal.
T13TEC (Timer 13 Trigger Event Control) selects which
Timer 12 trigger event starts the T13 counter.
T13TED (Timer 13 Trigger Event Direction) selects the
direction (up or down) T12 (Timer 12) must be counting to start a
T13 event.
T13RR (Timer 13 Run Reset) when set, T13R clears and
Timer 13 stops counting.
- T13RS (Timer 13 Run Set) when set, T13R is set.
T13RES (Timer 13 Reset) when set, zeroes the
T13STR (Timer 13 Shadow Transfer Request) when set, sets
STE13, enabling shadow transfers.
T13STD (Timer 13 Shadow Transfer Disable) when set,
clears STE13, disabling shadow transfers.
Timer & Period
T13 (Timer/Counter) contains the current count value of
Timer 13.
T13PR (Timer 13 Period Register) contains the value
matched to the T13 counter to trigger a Timer 13 period-match
Int. Node 3
ECCIP3 (CCU6 Interrupt Node Pointer 3 Enable) when set,
enables interrupt node pointer 3.
T13OM (Timer 13 One-Match) is set to indicate a Timer 13
one-match event occurred.
T13PM (Timer 13 Period-Match) is set to indicate a Timer
13 period-match event occurred.
ST13OM (Set Timer 13 One-Match) when set, forces the
one-match event flag(T13OM).
ST13PM (Set Timer 13 Period-Match) when set, sets the
period-match event flag(T13PM).
RT13OM (Reset Timer 13 One-Match) when set, clears the
one-match event flag(T13OM).
RT13PM (Reset Timer 13 Period-Match) when set, clears
the period-match event flag(T13PM).
ENT13OM (Enable Timer 13 One-Match) when set, allows an
interrupt to be generated when a one-match event occurs on Timer
ENT13PM (Enable Timer 13 Period-Match) when set, allows
an interrupt to be generated when a period-match event occurs on
Timer 13.