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Peripheral Simulation

For Infineon XC164S-16F — Real Time Clock

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

  • Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

Real Time Clock Dialog

Real Time Clock

The Real Time Clock dialog displays and allows you to edit the configuration of the real-time clock module.


  • CON (RTC Control Register) contains the following bits settings for the real time clock.
  • RUN (RTC Run Bit) is set when the real time clock is running.
  • PRE (RTC Input Source Prescaler Enable) is set to enable the divide by 8 clock prescaler for T14.
  • T14DEC (T14 Decrement Timer Value) is set to suppress counting for the next count event only.
  • T14INC (T14 Increment Timer Value) is set to add an additional count when the next count event occurs.
  • ACCPOC (RTC Register Access Possible) when set, the real time clock registers can be accessed or stored.

Prescaler Timer

  • T14 is the RTC Prescaler Register (SFR).
  • T14REL is the RTC Timer Reload Register (SFR).

RTC Timer

  • RTCH is the RTC Register High Word.
  • RTCL is the RTC Register Low Word.
  • RELH is the RTC Reload Register High Word.
  • RELL is the RTC Reload Register Low Word.


  • ISNC (Interrupt Subnode Control Register) contains the following settings:
  • IE (RTC Interrupt Enable) enables the RTC interrupt.
  • IR (RTC Interrupt Request) triggers an RTC interrupt.
  • T14IE (T14 Overflow Interrupt Enable Control Bit) is set to enable the T14 interrupt.
  • T14IR (T14 Overflow Interrupt Request Flag) is set to trigger a T14 interrupt.
  • CNTxIE (CNTx Interrupt Enable Control Bit) is set to enable interrupts for counter 0, 1, 2 or 3.
  • CNTxIR (CNTx Interrupt Request Flag) is set to trigger a n interrupt for counter 0, 1, 2 or 3.
Get more information about the
Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.
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