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Peripheral Simulation

For Atmel AT91SAM7X128 — Timer Counter (3 Channels)

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

  • Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

Timer/Counter Dialog


The Timer/Counter Block Dialog displays and changes the settings associated with a Timer/Counter Block. Timer/counters perform various event counting and measurement tasks.

Block & Control Mode

  • SYNC creates a synchronization input signal.
  • TC0XC0S defines the external clock input signal for this Timer/Counter.

Selected Channel Control

  • TC0_CCR displays the Timer/Counter Channel Control Register.
  • SWTRG performs a software trigger.
  • CLKDIS disables the clock.
  • CLKEN enables the clock.

Selected Channel Mode

  • TC0CMR displays the Timer/Counter Capture Mode Register.
  • WAVE enables Waveform mode.
  • CPCTRG resets the counter and starts the clock.
  • TCCLKS selects the source and time base of the clock signal.
  • CKLI (Clock Invert) increments the falling edge of the clock.
  • BURST gates the clock by a selected external signal.
  • ABETRG (TIOA/TIOB External Trigger) uses TIOA as an external trigger when checked. Uses TIOB when not checked.
  • LDBSTOP stops the counter clock when RB loading occurs.
  • LDBDIS disables the counter clock when RB loading occurs.
  • ETRGEDG selects the rising edge, falling edge or both for an external trigger.
  • LDRA selects loading of register A on the rising edge of TIOA, falling edge or both.
  • LDRB selects loading of register B on the rising edge of TIOA, falling edge or both.

Selected Channel Counter Value & Compare/Capture Registers

  • TC0_CV holds the Timer/Counter value.
  • TC0_RA holds the Timer/Counter Register A value.
  • TC0_RB holds the Timer/Counter Register B value.
  • TC0_RC holds the Timer/Counter Register C value.

Selected Channel Interrupt Mask & Status

  • TC0_IMR displays the Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register.
  • TC0_SR displays the Timer/Counter Status Register.
  • MTIOB (TIOB Mirror) if set, TIOB is high and if WAVE is set, TIOB is driven high.
  • MTIOA (TIOA Mirror) if set, TIOA is high and if WAVE is set, TIOA is driven high.
  • CLKSTA (Clock Status) if set, clock is enabled.
  • ETRGS is set if an external trigger occurred after reading the Status Register.
  • LDRBS is set if register B loading occurred after reading the Status Register.
  • LDRAS is set if register A loading occurred after reading the Status Register.
  • CPCS is set if register C compare occurred after reading the Status Register.
  • CPBS is set if register B compare occurred after reading the Status Register.
  • CPAS is set if register A compare occurred after reading the Status Register.
  • LOVRS is set if registers A or B were loaded 2 or more times but not read after reading the Status Register.
  • COVFS is set if a counter overflowed after reading the Status Register.

I/O Pins

  • TCLK0 is the Timer 0 Clock signal input.
  • TCLK1 is the Timer 1 Clock signal input.
  • TCLK2 is the Timer 2 Clock signal input.
  • TIOA0 is the Timer 0 Signal A input.
  • TIOA1 is the Timer 1 Signal A input.
  • TIOA2 is the Timer 2 Signal A input.
  • TIOB0 is the Timer 0 Signal B input.
  • TIOB1 is the Timer 1 Signal B input.
  • TIOB2 is the Timer 2 Signal B input.
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Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.
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