Peripheral Simulation
For Atmel AT91SAM7X128 — Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1
Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:
- Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.
- VTREGs (Virtual Target Registers) which support I/O with the peripheral.
These simulation capabilities are described below.
USART 1 Dialog
The USART 1 Dialog configures USART 1. A USART transfers serial
data to and from external devices and the ARM controller. The USART
can be configured in a variety of ways to suit the external serial
US1_CR (USART 1 Control Register) displays the combined
control information for the following:
- RXEN (Receiver Enable) enables the receiver.
- TXEN (Transmitter Enable) enables the transmitter.
- RXDIS (Receiver Disable) disables the receiver.
TXDIS (Transmitter Disable) disables the
- RSTRX (Reset Receiver) resets the receiver.
- RSTTX (Reset Transmitter) resets the transmitter.
RSTSTA (Reset Status Bits) resets the Parity Error
(PARE), Framing Error (FRAME), Overrun Error (OVRE) and Break
Received (RXBRK) status bits.
SENDA (Send Address) sets the address bit with the next
character written (multi-drop mode only).
RSTIT (Reset Iterations) resets the Iteration
STTTO (Start Time-out) restarts the wait time-out for a
new character.
RSTNACK (Reset Non Acknowledge) resets the Non
Acknowledge status.
RETTO (Reload and Start Time-out) restarts the receiver
time-out counter.
STTBRK (Start Break) generates a break condition after
the next character is sent.
- STPBRK (Stop Break) cancels a break condition.
DTREN (Data Terminal Ready Enable) drives the DTR pin to
DTRDIS (Data Terminal Ready Disable) drives the DTR pin
to 1.
RTSEN (Request to Send Enable) drives the RTS pin to
RTSDIS (Request to Send Disable) drives the RTS pin to
US1_MR (Mode Register) contains the USART Mode settings
which is determined by settings of other controls in this
MODE (USART Mode) configures the USART for normal,
RS485, hardware handshake, modem, ISO7816 Protocol: T=0, ISO7816
Protocol: T=1 or IrDA mode.
CHMODE (Channel Mode) selects normal, loopback, echo or
remote loopback pin configurations.
SYNC (Synchronous Mode Select) enables Synchronous
CHRL (Character Length) selects the number of bits per
NBSTOP (Number of Stop Bits) selects the number of stop
bits to be sent with each character.
PAR (Parity Type) selects the generation of even, odd or
no parity bits, mark or space, or multi-drop mode.
Mode 9 (9-bit Mode) is set to use 9 data bits for
character length. If reset, CHRL determines character
MBSF (Most Significant Bit First) is set to send or
receive the most significant bit first. If reset, the least
significant bit first is sent or expected.
CLKO (Clock Output Select) when set, drives the
SCK pin if the external clock is not selected.
USCLKS (Clock Selection) selects clock source and
MAX_ITERATION (Maximum Number of Iterations) configures
the maximum number of iterations when using mode ISO7816, protocol
OVER (Oversampling Mode) is set to use 8x oversampling.
If reset, the USART uses 16x oversampling.
FILTER (Infrared Line Receive Filter) is set to enable
the USART's three-sample filter.
INACK (Inhibit Non Acknowledge) is set to suppress
NACK generation.
DSNACK (Disable Successive NACK) is set to count
successive parity errors up to the MAX_ITERATION value. If
that value is reached, the ITERATION bit is set.
Baudrate Generator & FI DI Ratio
US1_BRGR (Baud Rate Generator Register) holds the Clock
Divisor (CD) value.
CD (Clock Divisor) contains the value divided into the
clock that determines the baud rate.
Baudrate displays the baud rate calculated by the
US1_FIDI (FI DI Register) contains the clock frequency
division factor (FI) over the bit-rate adjustment factor (DI) for
ISO7816 mode.
US1_FIDI_RATIO (FI Over DI Ratio) contains the value
divided into the SCK to determine the IOS7816 baudrate.
Receiver Time-out & Transmitter Time-guard
US1_RTOR (Receiver Time-out Register) holds the receiver
time-out value.
TO (Time Out) sets the time-out counter value used with
the Start Time-out command.
US1_TTGR (Transmitter Time-guard Register) holds the
transmitter time guard value.
TG (Time-guard) sets the length of time TXD is inactive
after each character.
Receiver & Transmitter
US1_RHR (Receiver Holding Register) contains the
RXCHR character.
RXCHR (Received Character) holds the last character
US1_THR (Transmitter Holding Register) contains the
TXCHR character.
TXCHR (Character to be Transmitted) holds the next
character to be transmitted.
Number of Errors and IrDA Filter
US1_NER (Number of Errors Register) contains the
NB_ERRORS value.
NB_ERRORS (Number of Errors) contains the total number
of errors that occurred during an ISO7816 data transfer. This
register is cleared when read.
US1_IF (IrDA Filter) contains the IRDA_FILTER
IRDA_FILTER (IrDA Filter) contains the 8-bit down
counter value used for demodulation of the received signal.
Interrupt Mask & Channel Status
US1_IMR (Interrupt Mask Register) holds the masking bits
for all of the internal peripheral interrupts.
US1_CSR (Channel Status Register) holds the composite
status for the USART channel.
CTS (Clear to Send pin) displays the CTS pin
DCD (Data Carrier Detect pin) displays the DCD pin
DSR (Data Set Ready pin) displays the DSR pin
- RI (Ring Indicator pin) displays the RI pin status.
CTSIC (Clear to Send Input Change Flag) is set if at
least 1 input change on CTS is detected.
DCDIC (Data Carrier Detect Input Change Flag) is set if
at least 1 input change on DCD is detected.
DSRIC (Data Set Ready Input Change Flag) is set if at
least 1 input change on DSR is detected.
RIIC (Ring Indicator Input Change Flag) is set if at
least 1 input change on RI is detected.
NACK (Non Acknowledge Flag) is set if at least one NACK
is detected.
RXBUFF (Receive Buffer Full) is set if the Buffer Full
signal from the PDC is active.
TXBUFF (Transmit Buffer Full) is set if the Buffer Empty
signal from the PDC is active.
ITERATION (Iteration Flag) set if more than the maximum
number of parity errors has occurred.
TXEMPTY (Transmitter Empty) set if there are no
characters in the transmitter hold register(US1_THR).
TIMEOUT (Receiver Time-out) set if a Start Time-out
counter has elapsed.
PARE (Parity Error) set if the controller detects at
least 1 false parity bit since the last Reset Status Bits command
FRAME (Framing Error) set if the controller detects a
framing error since the last Reset Status Bits command
OVRE (Overrun Error) set if the controller detects an
overrun condition since the last Reset Status Bits command
ENDTX (End of Transmitter Transfer) is set if the End of
Transmitter signal is active.
ENDRX (End of Receiver Transfer) is set if the End of
Receiver signal is active.
RXBRK (Break Received/End of Break) is set if the USART
receives a break since the last Reset Status Bits command
TXRDY (Transmitter Ready) set if the transmit hold
register (US1_THR) is empty and there is no break request
RXRDY (Receiver Ready) set when the USART receives at
least 1 character and the receiver hold register (US1_RHR) is not
Modem Lines
- RTS1 (Request to Send) displays the RTS pin status.
- CTS1 (Clear to Send) displays the CTS pin status.
DTR1 (Data Terminal Ready) displays the DTR pin
- DSR1 (Data Set Ready) displays the DSR pin status.
DCD1 (Data Carrier Detect) displays the DCD pin
- RI1 (Ring Indicator) displays the RI pin status.
Data Type: unsigned int
The SxIN VTREG represents the serial input of the simulated
microcontroller. Values you assign to SxIN are input to the serial
channel 0, 1, 2, and so on. You may assign input using the command
window. For example,
causes the simulated microcontroller serial input 0 to receive the
ASCII character A. If you want to use the SxIN VRTEG to simulate
reception of multiple characters, you must be sure to delay for at
least one character time between successive assignments to SxIN. This
may be done using a signal function. For example:
signal void send_cat (void) {
swatch(0.01); /* Wait 1/100 seconds */
S0IN='C'; /* Send a C */
You may use the SxIN VTREG to input data (5-9 bits), parity, frame
error and break condition. SxIN Format (16-bit Register)
- Bits 0-8: Data (5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 bit)
- Bit 9: Parity bit Value
- Bit 10: Parity bit Presence (0=Not present, 1=Present)
- Bit 11: Invalid Stop bit (0=Normal, 1=Invalid)
- Bit 12: End of Break
For example:
S0IN=0x0074 // Data = 0x74, No Parity bit
S0IN=0x0174 // Data = 0x174, No Parity bit
S0IN=0x0474 // Data = 0x74, Parity bit = 0
S0IN=0x0674 // Data = 0x74, Parity bit = 1
S0IN=0x0874 // Data = 0x74, No Parity bit
// Invalid Stop bit - Frame Error
S0IN=0x0800 // Break Condintion
S0IN=0x1000 // End of Break Condition
In addition to the SxIN VRTEG, the serial window allows you to
input serial characters by simply typing. Serial characters that are
transmitted byt the simulated microcontroller appear in the serial
Data Type: unsigned int
The SxOUT VTREG represents the serial output from the simulated
serial port 0, 1, and so on. Whenever the simulated serial port
transmits a character, the value transmitted is automatically
assigned to SxOUT (which is read-only). You may read the value of
SxOUT to determine the character transmitted by your simulated
program. For example,
outputs the value of the last character transmitted by serial port
SxOUT Format (16-bit Register)
- Bits 0-8: Data (5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 bits)
- Bit 9: Parity bit Value
- Bit 10: Parity bit Presence (0=Not present, 1=Present)
- Bit 11: Invalid Stop bit (0=Normal, 1=Invalid)
- Bit 12: End of Break
For example:
S0OUT & 0x01FF // Data
S0OUT & 0x0400 // Parity bit is present
S0OUT & 0x0200 // Parity bit value (0=0, 0x0200=1)
Note that you cannot assign values to the SxOUT VTREGs. You may
use the SxOUT VTREG in a script to process transmitted data. For
signal void s0out_sig (void) {
while (1)
wwatch(S0OUT); /* wait for something in S0OUT */
printf ("Transmitted a %2.2X\n", (unsigned) S0OUT);
Data Type: unsigned char
The SxTIME VTREG allows you to control the timing of the simulated
serial port 0, 1, and so on.
A value of 1 (which is the default) indicates that the serial
port timing is identical to the target hardware. Use this value
when you want to see the effects of baud rate on the serial port
A value of 0 indicates that all serial input and output occur
instantaneously. Use this value when you don't care about any baud
rate effects or when you want serial output to be fast.
For example:
S0TIME = 0 /* Set Serial Port 0 for FAST timing */
S0TIME = 1 /* Set Serial Port 0 for accurate timing */