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Peripheral Simulation

For Silicon Laboratories, Inc. C8051F362 — Serial UART 0 (Enhanced Interface)

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

  • Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.
  • VTREGs (Virtual Target Registers) which support I/O with the peripheral.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

Serial Channel 0 Dialog

Serial Channel 0

The Serial Channel dialog displays and allows you to edit the configuration of the Serial Interface.

  • Mode displays and allows you to change the serial interface mode of operation (data bit length and baud rate).
  • SCON0 (Serial Control Register 0) holds the control and setup information for programming the serial port.
  • SBUF0 (Serial Interface Buffer Register 0) contains the transmit data to be sent or received data.
  • MCE0 (Multiprocessor Communication Enable) activates the RI0 based on either the stop bit or the 9th bit, depending Mode setting.
  • TB80 (Serial Port Transmitter Bit 9) is the 9th data bit to be transmitted for serial modes 2 and 3.
  • RB80 (Serial Port Receiver Bit 9) is set for serial modes 2 and 3 when a 9th bit is received. In serial mode 1, this is the stop bit.
  • REN0 (Receiver Enable) is set to enable serial data input.


  • Transmit & Receive Baudrate is the actual baudrate for the serial channel. It can be derived from the oscillator frequency, or generated by Timer 1.


  • TI0 (Transmitter Interrupt Flag) is set by hardware for each character frame transmitted. TI0 is cleared by software.
  • RI0 (Receiver Interrupt Flag) is set by hardware for each character frame received. RI0 is cleared by software.

Data Type: unsigned char

The SxTIME VTREG allows you to control the timing of the simulated serial port 0, 1, and so on.

  • A value of 1 (which is the default) indicates that the serial port timing is identical to the target hardware. Use this value when you want to see the effects of baud rate on the serial port I/O.
  • A value of 0 indicates that all serial input and output occur instantaneously. Use this value when you don't care about any baud rate effects or when you want serial output to be fast.

For example:

S0TIME = 0   /* Set Serial Port 0 for FAST timing */
S0TIME = 1   /* Set Serial Port 0 for accurate timing */
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Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.
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