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Peripheral Simulation

For STMicroelectronics STR752FR1 — Real Time Clock (RTC)

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

  • Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.
  • VTREGs (Virtual Target Registers) which support I/O with the peripheral.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

Real Time Clock Dialog

Real Time Clock

The Real Time Clock Dialog shows the current state of the on-chip real-time clock (RTC). You can change the RTC settings using the controls in this dialog.


  • RTC_CRH  (RTC Control Register High) contains the bit used to mask Global, Overflow, Alarm and Second Interrupt requests.
  • GEN (Global Interrupt Enable) is set enable global interrupts.
  • OWEN (Overflow Interrupt Enable) is set enable overflow interrupts.
  • AEN (Alarm Interrupt Enable) is set enable alarm interrupts.
  • SEN (Second Interrupt Enable) is set enable second interrupts.
  • RTC_CRL (RTC Control Register Low) contains the following bit settings:
  • RTOFF (RTC operation OFF) is set when the last write operation to the RTC registers completes.
  • CNF (Configuration Flag) is set enter configuration mode to allow new values to be written to RTC_CNT, RTC_ALR or RTC_PRL registers.
  • GIR (Global Interrupt Request) is set when a global interrupt request is pending.
  • OWIR (Overflow Interrupt Request) is set when a overflow interrupt request is pending.
  • AIR (Alarm Interrupt Request) is set when a alarm interrupt request is pending.
  • SIR (Second Interrupt Request) is set when a second interrupt request is pending.


  • RTC_PRLH (RTC Prescaler Load Register High) contains the 4 high-order bits of the RTC prescaler reload value.
  • RTC_PRLL (RTC Prescaler Load Register Low) contains the 16 low-order bits of the RTC prescaler reload value.
  • RTC_DIVH (RTC Clock Divider High) contains the 4 high-order bits of the RTC clock divider.
  • RTC_DIVL (RTC Clock Divider Low) contains the 16 low-order bits of the RTC clock divider.

Counter & Alarm

  • RTC_CNTH (RTC Counter Register High) contains the 16 high-order bits of the RTC counter register.
  • RTC_CNTL (RTC Counter Register Low) contains the 16 low-order bits of the RTC counter register.
  • RTC_ALRH (RTC Alarm Register High) contains the 16 high-order bits of the RTC alarm register .
  • RTC_ALRL (RTC Alarm Register Low) contains the 16 low-order bits of the RTC alarm register.

Real Time Clock Input VTREG
Data Type: unsigned long

Get more information about the
Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.
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