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Peripheral Simulation

For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2132/01 — Real Time Clock

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

  • Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

Real Time Clock Dialog

Real Time Clock

The Real Time Clock Dialog shows the current state of the on-chip real-time clock (RTC). You can change the RTC settings using the controls in this dialog.

Clock Control

  • CCR (Clock Control Register) holds the following settings:
  • CLKEN (Clock Enable) is set to enable one of the time counters. This bit must be reset to initialize a time counter.
  • CTCRST (Clock Tick Count Reset) is set to hold the Clock Tick Counter in a reset condition.

Clock Tick Counter

  • CTC (Clock Tick Counter) contains the current value of the clock tick counter. 32,768 ticks of this clock equals 1 second.

Interrupt Location

  • ILR (Interrupt Location Register) holds the following settings:
  • RTCCIF ()
  • RTCALF ()

Counter Increment Interrupt

  • CIIR (Counter Increment Interrupt Register) holds the control bits for generating an interrupt when a specific counter is incremented. The following control bits are supported:
  • IMSEC is set to generate an interrupt when the Second value increments.
  • IMMIN is set to generate an interrupt when the Minute value increments.
  • IMHOUR is set to generate an interrupt when the Hour value increments.
  • IMDOM is set to generate an interrupt when the Day of Month value increments.
  • IMDOW is set to generate an interrupt when the Day of Week value increments.
  • IMDOY is set to generate an interrupt when the Day of Year value increments.
  • IMMON is set to generate an interrupt when the Month value increments.
  • IMYEAR is set to generate an interrupt when the Year value increments.

Alarm Mask

  • AMR (Alarm Mask Register) allows you to disable the alarms function for the following time counters:
  • AMRSEC is set to disable the Second alarm (ALSEC).
  • AMRMIN is set to disable the Minute alarm (ALMIN).
  • AMRHOUR is set to disable the Hour alarm (ALHOUR).
  • AMRDOM is set to disable the Day of Month alarm (ALDOM).
  • AMRDOW is set to disable the Day of Week alarm (ALDOW).
  • AMRDOY is set to disable the Day of Year alarm (ALDOY).
  • AMRMON is set to disable the Month alarm (ALMON).
  • AMRYEAR is set to disable the Year alarm (ALYEAR).

Time Counter

  • SEC displays the current second (0-59).
  • MIN displays the current minute (0-59).
  • HOUR displays the current hour (0-23).
  • DOM displays the current day of the month. This value will be 1-28, 29, 30 or 31 depending on the month and leap year.
  • DOW displays the current day of the week (0-6).
  • DOY displays the current day of the year (1-365 or 1-366 for a leap year).
  • MONTH displays the current month (1-12).
  • YEAR displays the current year (0-4095).

Alarm This group contains the alarm values for triggering alarm interrupts. The alarm mask bits (AMR) must be reset for an alarm interrupt to occur.

  • ALSEC is the Seconds alarm value.
  • ALMIN is the Minutes alarm value.
  • ALHOUR is the Hour alarm value.
  • ALDOM is the Day of Month alarm value.
  • ALDOW is the Day of Week alarm value.
  • ALDOY is the Day of Year alarm value.
  • ALMONTH is the Month alarm value.
  • ALYEAR is the Year alarm value.

Consolidated Time

  • CTIME0 (Consolidated Time Register 0) contains the current value of the Seconds (SEC), Minutes (MIN), Hours (HOUR) and Day of Week (DOW) time counters.
  • CTIME1 (Consolidated Time Register 1) contains the current value of the Day of Month (DOM), Month (MON) and Year (YEAR) time counters.
  • CTIME2 (Consolidated Time Register 2) contains the current value of the Day of Year (DOY) time counter.


  • PREINT contains the integer portion of the Prescale Value. This value equals int(PCLK / 32768) - 1.
  • PREFRAC contains the fractional portion of the Prescale value. This value equals PCLK - ((PREINT+ 1) x 32768)
  • 1s Tick (s) displays the resulting number of 1-second ticks for the Prescaler using the PREINT and PREFRAC values.
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