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Peripheral Simulation

For Infineon XC866L-2FR — High-Speed Synchronous Serial Interface

Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:

  • Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.

These simulation capabilities are described below.

Synchronous Serial Interface Dialog

Synchronous Serial Interface

The Synchronous Serial Interface dialog controls the Synchronous Serial Channel (SSC) unit of the XC866 microcontroller. It supports half or full duplex operation. The application software can use this interface to interconnect with other microcontrollers in a master/slave architecture.

Control & Status

  • CON (Control Register) contains the control flags that setup the SSC mode and baud rate.
  • EN (Enable) is set to enable the SSI.
  • MS (Master Select) is set to configure this unit as the master unit. If reset, it is configured as a slave unit.
  • LB (Loop Back) is set to connect the receive input to the transmitted output.
  • PO (Clock Polarity) is set to configure the shift clock's idle state to high. If reset, the clock's idle state is low.
  • PH (Clock Phase) is set to shift data out on the leading clock edge, then sample data in on the trailing edge. It is reset to sample data in on the leading edge, and shift data out on the trailing edge.
  • HB (Heading Control) is set to transmit or receive the MSB first. If reset, the LSB is received or transmitted first.
  • AREN (Auto Reset Enable) is set to reset the SSC if a baud rate error occurs.
  • TBL (Transmit Buffer - Low) contains the value of the data to be transmitted.
  • RBL (Receive Buffer - Low) contains the last data value received.
  • BR (Baud Rate Timer/Reload) contains the 16-bit baud rate timer/reload value.
  • Baud Rate displays the effective baud rate.
  • BM (Data Width Selection) selects the number of data bits for each transfer.
  • BC (Bit Count) contains a count of the number of bits shifted.

Error Detection

  • BEN (Baud Rate Error Enable) is set to check for baud rate errors.
  • PEN (Phase Error Enable) is set to check for phase errors.
  • REN (Receive Error Enable) is set to check for receive errors.
  • TEN (Transmit Error Enable) is set to check for transmission errors.


  • TIR (Transmit Interrupt Request Flag) is set when a transmit interrupt request is active.
  • RIR (Receive Interrupt Request Flag) is set when a receive interrupt request is active.
  • EIR (Error Interrupt Request Flag) is set when an error interrupt request is active.

Port Directions

  • MRST (Master Receive/Slave Transmit Pin) is connected to the TXD transmission line.
  • MTSR (Master Transmit/Slave Receive Pin) is connected to the RXD transmission line.
  • SCLK (Shift Clock Pin) supplies the shift clock signal.
Get more information about the
Peripheral Simulation Capabilities
of the µVision Debugger.
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