Product Information
Device Database®
Compliance Testing
Peripheral Simulation
For NXP (founded by Philips) LPC1765 — SSP Interfaces 0-1
Simulation support for this peripheral or feature is comprised of:
- Dialog boxes which display and allow you to change peripheral configuration.
These simulation capabilities are described below.
Synchronous Serial Peripheral 0 Dialog
The Synchronous Serial Port dialog displays and allows you to edit
the configuration of the Synchronous Serial Ports. The controls in
this dialog are separated into several logical groups.
SSPnCR0 (SSPn Control Register 0) contains
the SSP control register 0 settings.
SSPnCR1 (SSPn Control Register 1) contains
the SSP control register 1 settings.
SSE (SSP Enable) is set to enable the Synchronous Serial
LBM (Loop Back Mode Control) is set to connect received
input to transmitted output.
FRF (Frame Format) selects SPI, TI ot Microwire frameing
DSS (Data Size Selection) selects the transfer data
widths from 4-bits to 16-bits.
SCR (Serial Clock Rate) is the number of prescaler
output clocks per bit, minus 1.
MS (Master/Slave Mode) is set to generate shift clocking
from SCLK.
SOD (Slave Output Disable) is set to prevent the SP
controller from transmitting data.
SPH (Clock Out Phase Control) is set to latch receive
data on the leading clock edge and shift on the trailing edge. If
reset, Shift receive data on the leading clock edge and latch on
the trailing edge.
SPO (Clock Out Polarity Control) is set make the clock
line low-active and the leading clock edge is a high-to-low
BSY (Busy Flag) indicates data transfer is in
RFF (Receive FIFO Full Flag) indicates the receive FIFO
is full.
RNE (Receive FIFO Not Empty Flag) indicates the receive
FIFO contains unread data.
TNF (Transmit FIFO Not Full Flag) indicates the transmit
FIFO can accept data.
TFE (Transmit FIFO Empty Flag) indicates that all data
previously sent has been transmitted.
SSPnDR (SSPn Data Register) contains data
to be sent or received.
Clock Prescaler
SSPnCPSR (SSPn Clock Prescale Register)
contains the PCLK divisor value (2-254) used to generate the
prescaler output clock.
SSPnIMSC (SSPn Interrupt Mask Set/Clear
Register) contains the bits that enable the following four
interrupts in the SSP controller:
TXIM (Transmit Interrupt) is set to trigger an interrupt
when the transmit FIFO is at least half empty.
RXIM (Receive Interrupt) is set to trigger an interrupt
when the receive FIFO is at least half full.
RTIM (Receive Timeout Interrupt) is set to trigger an
interrupt when the receive FIFO is not empty and nothing has been
read for a predetermined time.
RORIM (Receive Overrun Interrupt) is set to trigger an
interrupt when the receive FIFO is full and another frame is
SSPnRIS (SSPn Raw Interrupt Status
Register) contains the SSP control register 0 settings.
TXRIS (Raw Transmit Interrupt) is set to trigger an
interrupt when the transmit FIFO is at least half empty.
RXRIS (Raw Receive Interrupt) is set to trigger an
interrupt when the receive FIFO is at least half full.
RTRIS (Raw Receive Timeout Interrupt) is set to trigger
an interrupt when the receive FIFO is not empty and nothing has
been read for a predetermined time.
RORRIS (Raw Receive Overrun Interrupt) is set to trigger
an interrupt when the receive FIFO is full and another frame is
SSPnMIS (SSPn Masked Interrupt Status
Register) contains the following SSP masked interrupts:
TXMIS (Masked Transmit Interrupt) is set to trigger an
interrupt when the transmit FIFO is at least half empty.
RXMIS (Masked Receive Interrupt) is set to trigger an
interrupt when the receive FIFO is at least half full.
RTMIS (Masked Receive Timeout Interrupt) is set to
trigger an interrupt when the receive FIFO is not empty and nothing
has been read for a predetermined time.
RORMIS (Masked Receive Overrun Interrupt) is set to
trigger an interrupt when the receive FIFO is full and another
frame is received.
SSPnICR (SSPn Interrupt Clear Register) is
used by software to clear SSP interrupt conditions.
RORIC (Receive Overrun Interrupt Clear) clears a Receive
Overrun interrupt.
RTIC (Receive Timeout Interrupt Clear) clears a Receive
Timeout interrupt.
Master Clock
- Clock The SSP clock rate.
Frame Sync/Slave Select
FS/SSELn pin Displays the status of the Frame
Sync/Slave Select signal.
Synchronous Serial Peripheral 1 Dialog
The Synchronous Serial Port dialog displays and allows you to edit
the configuration of the Synchronous Serial Ports. The controls in
this dialog are separated into several logical groups.
SSPnCR0 (SSPn Control Register 0) contains
the SSP control register 0 settings.
SSPnCR1 (SSPn Control Register 1) contains
the SSP control register 1 settings.
SSE (SSP Enable) is set to enable the Synchronous Serial
LBM (Loop Back Mode Control) is set to connect received
input to transmitted output.
FRF (Frame Format) selects SPI, TI ot Microwire frameing
DSS (Data Size Selection) selects the transfer data
widths from 4-bits to 16-bits.
SCR (Serial Clock Rate) is the number of prescaler
output clocks per bit, minus 1.
MS (Master/Slave Mode) is set to generate shift clocking
from SCLK.
SOD (Slave Output Disable) is set to prevent the SP
controller from transmitting data.
SPH (Clock Out Phase Control) is set to latch receive
data on the leading clock edge and shift on the trailing edge. If
reset, Shift receive data on the leading clock edge and latch on
the trailing edge.
SPO (Clock Out Polarity Control) is set make the clock
line low-active and the leading clock edge is a high-to-low
BSY (Busy Flag) indicates data transfer is in
RFF (Receive FIFO Full Flag) indicates the receive FIFO
is full.
RNE (Receive FIFO Not Empty Flag) indicates the receive
FIFO contains unread data.
TNF (Transmit FIFO Not Full Flag) indicates the transmit
FIFO can accept data.
TFE (Transmit FIFO Empty Flag) indicates that all data
previously sent has been transmitted.
SSPnDR (SSPn Data Register) contains data
to be sent or received.
Clock Prescaler
SSPnCPSR (SSPn Clock Prescale Register)
contains the PCLK divisor value (2-254) used to generate the
prescaler output clock.
SSPnIMSC (SSPn Interrupt Mask Set/Clear
Register) contains the bits that enable the following four
interrupts in the SSP controller:
TXIM (Transmit Interrupt) is set to trigger an interrupt
when the transmit FIFO is at least half empty.
RXIM (Receive Interrupt) is set to trigger an interrupt
when the receive FIFO is at least half full.
RTIM (Receive Timeout Interrupt) is set to trigger an
interrupt when the receive FIFO is not empty and nothing has been
read for a predetermined time.
RORIM (Receive Overrun Interrupt) is set to trigger an
interrupt when the receive FIFO is full and another frame is
SSPnRIS (SSPn Raw Interrupt Status
Register) contains the SSP control register 0 settings.
TXRIS (Raw Transmit Interrupt) is set to trigger an
interrupt when the transmit FIFO is at least half empty.
RXRIS (Raw Receive Interrupt) is set to trigger an
interrupt when the receive FIFO is at least half full.
RTRIS (Raw Receive Timeout Interrupt) is set to trigger
an interrupt when the receive FIFO is not empty and nothing has
been read for a predetermined time.
RORRIS (Raw Receive Overrun Interrupt) is set to trigger
an interrupt when the receive FIFO is full and another frame is
SSPnMIS (SSPn Masked Interrupt Status
Register) contains the following SSP masked interrupts:
TXMIS (Masked Transmit Interrupt) is set to trigger an
interrupt when the transmit FIFO is at least half empty.
RXMIS (Masked Receive Interrupt) is set to trigger an
interrupt when the receive FIFO is at least half full.
RTMIS (Masked Receive Timeout Interrupt) is set to
trigger an interrupt when the receive FIFO is not empty and nothing
has been read for a predetermined time.
RORMIS (Masked Receive Overrun Interrupt) is set to
trigger an interrupt when the receive FIFO is full and another
frame is received.
SSPnICR (SSPn Interrupt Clear Register) is
used by software to clear SSP interrupt conditions.
RORIC (Receive Overrun Interrupt Clear) clears a Receive
Overrun interrupt.
RTIC (Receive Timeout Interrupt Clear) clears a Receive
Timeout interrupt.
Master Clock
- Clock The SSP clock rate.
Frame Sync/Slave Select
FS/SSELn pin Displays the status of the Frame
Sync/Slave Select signal.