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8051 Memory Write Example Program

This program is a simple demonstration of the DATA, IDATA, PDATA, and XDATA memory areas of the 8051. The program writes a short string into each of these memory areas. You may use the memory window (View - Memory Window) to view the contents of each memory area.

There are four user-configurable Memory Windows available. Each one can be configured to display a memory area and data type. So, you can watch HEX values from XDATA in one memory window and ASCII values from IDATA in another window.

The example program writes stuff into memory ONLY for demonstration purposes. You should not use this method of writing into memory in structured, high-level programming languages. This example is only intended to give you a feel for the memory organization of the 8051.

Note: This example was created using a Generic 8052 device. However, it will work with ANY 8051 that has DATA, IDATA, and XDATA memory.

Friday, May 3, 2002
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