USB Component  Version 6.17.0
MDK Middleware for USB Device and Host Communication
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Directories and Files


The table below provides a complete overview of the folders that contain the files related to the USB Component.

Directory Description
./USB/Config Configuration Files that are copied to the project when components are selected.
./USB/Driver Drivers for USB Device and USB Host.
./USB/Include Include files for USB Device and USB Host. Once a component is select an Include Path is set for the C/C++ compiler to this directory.
./USB/Lib Library files for USB Component. The linker includes the library for the selected processor from this directory.
./USB/Template User code template files that can be added to the project to create the application-specific functionality for the USB Component.

Header Files

The API interface of the USB Component is provided in the header file rl_usb.h. The table below provides a complete overview of all header files.

Header File Used by Description
rl_usb.h application code API interface for the USB Device and USB Host component
rl_usbd_lib.h internal USB library internals for USB Device component
rl_usbh_lib.h internal USB library internals for USB Host component
usb_def.h internal Generic USB definitions
usb_adc.h internal USB definitions for ADC device class
usb_cdc.h internal USB definitions for CDC device class
usb_hid.h internal USB definitions for HID device class
usb_msc.h internal USB definitions for MSC device class
usbd_config.h USBD_Config_n.c Resource definitions for the USB Device component
usbh_config.h USBH_Config_n.c Resource definitions for the USB Host component

Library Files

The USB Component is provided in the following library files.

Library Description
USB_CM0_B.lib Library for devices based on Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M0+ in big-endian configuration.
USB_CM0_L.lib Library for devices based on Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M0+ in little-endian configuration.
USB_CM3_B.lib Library for devices based on Cortex-M3, Cortex-M4, and Cortex-M7 in big-endian configuration.
USB_CM3_L.lib Library for devices based on Cortex-M4, Cortex-M4, and Cortex-M7 in little-endian configuration.
The Run-Time Environment manager selects automatically the correct library required for a device.