Network Component  Version 6.3
MDK-Professional Middleware for IP Networking
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TFTP Client

A TFTP client can send files to or receive files from a TFTP Server. File delete, file move, and file rename are not supported, because the TFTP protocol does not support these file operations in general.

File System Interface

All File System interface functions are located in TFTP_Client_FS.c, which will be automatically added to your project's Network folder. The file is preconfigured for the File System Component, so no modifications are required. If you want to use another type of file system or to use a different storage media such as a hard disk, you need to add a similar file to your project.

The following functions are implemented in this module:

TFTP Client Configuration

TFTP Client Configuration File

The TFTP client configuration file Net_Config_TFTP_Client.h contains the following settings:

  • Block Size specifies the size of transfer block in bytes.
  • Number of Retries specifies how many times the TFTP client tries to retransmit the data before giving up.
  • Retry Timeout is the timeout, after which the TFTP Client retransmits the data. Values, specified in 100 milliseconds, can be selected from a list. The default value is 500 ms, represented as #define TFTP_CLIENT_RETRY_TOUT 5.