Configuration of the SNMP agent in µVision.
Configuration of the SNMP agent in µVision.
SNMP Agent Configuration File
The SNMP agent configuration file Net_Config_SNMP_Agent.h contains the following settings:
- Community Name specifies the SNMP Community where an SNMP message is destined for. Only the members of the same community can communicate with each other using SNMP protocol. Default Community name is public.
- Port Number specifies the listening UDP port number. The default SNMP Agent listening port is 161.
- Trap Port Number specifies the UDP port number for Trap operations. The default SNMP Agent trap port is 162.
- Trap Server specifies the IP address of the Trap Server which receives Trap messages. This IP address is used when the Trap Server IP is not specified in netSNMP_Trap function parameter.