USB Component  Version 6.17.0
MDK Middleware for USB Device and Host Communication
USB Web Server (for Windows hosts)

This example does not work out-of-the-box. You need to copy a network example for your development board using Pack Installer. Then, you need to change some settings and add user code, to be able to connect your network enabled device to a Windows hosts using USB.

The following description is based on the HTTP Server for a MCB1800 development board.

The following picture shows an exemplary connection of the development board (in this case a MCB1800) to a host PC.

Create the "USB Web Server" project

  • Copy the HTTP Server example using Pack Installer
  • Change following settings in RTE:
    • Disable CMSIS Driver:Ethernet MAC (API)
    • Disable CMSIS Driver:Ethernet PHY (API)
    • Enable CMSIS Driver:Ethernet (API):RNDIS
    • Enable an appropriate CMSIS Driver:USB Device (API)
    • Set USB:Device = 1
    • Enable USB:CORE (in the Release variant)
    • Set USB:Device:CDC = 1
  • Enable the selected USB port in RTE_Device.h or using external tools (for example STM32CubeMX for STMicroelectronics devices)
  • Disable the Ethernet port in RTE_Device.h or using external tools (for example STM32CubeMX for STMicroelectronics devices)
  • Add a user code template to your sources (right-click on Source group in Project window -> Add New Item to Group 'Source' -> User Code Template -> USB:USB Device:CDC: USB Device CDC ACM RNDIS Virtual Ethernet -> Add)
  • Disable DHCP in network settings (open Network:Net_Config_ETH_0.h and disable Dynamic Host Configuration)
  • Open USB:USBD_Config_0.c and check/change settings:
    • Set the correct hardware driver interface number
    • Enable high-speed operation (if available)
    • Device Settings:
      • Max Endpoint 0 Packet Size = 64 Bytes
    • Product ID = set to required (if you are using Windows 7, set it to 0x3709 for Keil MCB boards)
    • Microsoft OS Descriptors Settings:OS String = enable
  • Open USB:USBD_Config_CDC_0.h and check/change settings:
    • USB Device: Communication Device Class (CDC) 0:
      • Communication Class Subclass = Abstract Control Model (ACM)
      • Communication Class Protocol = Vendor-specific (RNDIS)
      • Interrupt Endpoint Settings:
        • Endpoint Settings:
          • Full/Low-speed:
            • Maximum Endpoint Packet Size In bytes) = 16
          • High-speed:
            • Maximum Endpoint Packet Size In bytes) = 16
      • Bulk Endpoint Settings:
        • Endpoint Settings:
          • Full/Low-speed:
            • Maximum Endpoint Packet Size In bytes) = 64
          • High-speed:
            • Maximum Endpoint Packet Size In bytes) = 512
      • Communication Device Class Settings: Abstract Control Model Settings:
        • Communication Class Interface String = USB Remote NDIS6 based Device
        • Call Management Capabilities:
          • Call Management channel = Communication Class Interface only
          • Device Call Management handling = None
      • Abstract Control Management Capabilities:
        • all disabled
      • Maximum Communication Device Send Buffer Size = 2048
      • Maximum Communication Device Receive Buffer Size = 2048
  • If RTX v5 is used no changes to RTX settings are necessary as all resources are allocated statically. If RTX v4 is used you need to change following settings in file:
    • Increase Number of concurrent running user threads by 3
    • Increase Number of threads with user-provided stack size by 3
    • Increase Total stack size [bytes] for threads with user-provided stack size by 2048
  • Add this include to the main module:
    #include "rl_usb.h"
  • Add these lines of code to the HTTP_Server.c module before endless loop in main or app_main function:
    USBD_Initialize (0U); // USB Device 0 Initialization
    USBD_Connect (0U); // USB Device 0 Connect

Build the project and download to the target.

Using the "USB Web Server" project

Hardware Setup

  • Verify all jumper settings on the target hardware.
  • Connect the development board to a host PC attaching a Micro-USB cable to the USB0 port.
  • Make sure that the board is not powered using this USB port. An external power supply is recommended.
  • After the device is recognized on the Windows PC:
    • If the high-speed port is used, the driver should install on Windows 7 and later automatically
    • If not, please use the provided .inf file from the USB RNDIS example (for example for MCB4300 evaluation board), but change .inf file Product ID according to one set in USBD_Config_0.c file
    • Set your computer's IP address to to match the settings of the embedded device:
      • Go to Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center -> Change Adapter Settings
      • Right-click on Local Area Connection n (Remote NDIS56 based Device):
      • Select properties -> Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) properties and use the following address:
        • IP address:
        • Subnet mask: OK and close all dialogs
    • Open a web browser and enter the address
    • Use "admin" without a password to log in: