Network Component  Version 7.19.0
MDK Middleware for IPv4 and IPv6 Networking
TFTP Client

TFTP Client is used to connect to a TFTP Server for simple file transfer. More...


 Control Interface
 Functions to connect to a TFTP server.
 User Callback
 Function to notify the user application about TFTP client events.
 File System Interface
 TFTP client functions that work with a File System.
 Configuration of the TFTP client in µVision.
 Enumerations of the TFTP Client.


TFTP Client is used to connect to a TFTP Server for simple file transfer.

A TFTP Client can exchange files with a TFTP Server. File delete, file move, and file rename are not impossible, because the TFTP protocol does not support these file operations in general.

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