Configuration of the FTP server in µVision.
Configuration of the FTP server in µVision.
FTP Server Configuration File
The FTP server configuration file Net_Config_FTP_Server.h contains the following settings:
- Number of Sessions specifies the number of available FTP sessions. The default value is one, and this enables only one concurrent client connection. You should increase this number if multiple FTP clients must connect to the FTP server at the same time. If you are using Windows Explorer as a FTP client, you should also increase this number because Windows Explorer creates multiple simultaneous connections.
- Port Number specifies the listening TCP port number. The default FTP server listening port is 21.
- Welcome Message specifies the custom FTP server welcome message. This message is sent to the user on login. When this option contains an empty string, a default Welcome Message from the library is used instead.
- Idle Session Timeout in seconds specifies the interval of user inactivity, after which the connection is automatically closed. During an idle session, no TCP frames are exchanged. A value of 0 disables a disconnection on timeout.
- The Enable User Authentication switch enables or disables authentication with a username and a password.
- Built-In Administrator Account enables the usage of a built-in user account.
- Authentication Username sets the username for the built-in account. The application can change the username at runtime using netFTPs_SetUsername.
- Authentication Password sets the default password. The application can change the password at runtime using netFTPs_SetPassword.
- Enable Root Folder can be used to specify a local root folder on the current storage device that will be used as the entry point for all FTP operations.
- Local Root Folder specifies the directory that is to be used as root folder.
- Note
- One FTP session uses two TCP sockets, one control and one data socket. Have this in mind when you are configuring the number of TCP sockets.