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News News Item

22 Jan 2014

ARM releases the Cortex-M Prototyping System

ARM today announced the new ARM® Cortex®-M Prototyping System as part of the Versatile family of products.

This development board is targeted at the evaluation and prototyping of the Cortex-M based designs. It comes provided with fixed encrypted images of the Cortex-M series of processors and an application note for the Cortex-M0 processor design start in an example subsystem which is user modifiable. The system is fully supported in the ARM software development tools ARM DS-5 and KEIL® MDK-ARM with example projects for each. It is an ideal platform for the evaluation of the different Cortex-M series processors and FPGA prototyping, to allow early device driver development.

The ARM® Cortex®-M Prototyping System offers:

  • ~150K Logic Elements for user prototyping
  • 8MB of single cycle SRAM, 16MB of PSRAM
  • IO expansion
  • Wide range of debug connectors
  • Encryption support
  • Peripherals including Ethernet, audio, VGA, UART, SPI & touch screen

For further information see:

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