News Item
01 Oct 2021
Process isolation support in Arm FuSa RTS
Arm has released version 1.1.0 of its functional safety run-time
system (FuSa RTS) - a set of safety certified
software components for Cortex-M devices.
The following new features and improvements are provided with this
Process isolation capabilities are added for developing
mixed-criticality systems.
An examples package with complex reference applications
is provided.
It is verified with the functional safety qualified Arm Compiler versions 6.6.4 and
It is aligned with the latest CMSIS release v5.8.0.
It supports C startup files.
It includes a user code template for FuSa C lib-specific
Multiple improvements in the software components and
documentation have been made.
Feel free to contact us for any
commercial or technical details about FuSa RTS.
Process isolation
FuSa RTS v1.1.0 includes protection mechanisms that control access
to system resources (such as memory, peripherals, processor execution
time). These process isolation capabilities allow to avoid undesired
interferences between software elements of different safety integrity
levels and so build mixed-criticality systems on a single-core
Read more about process isolation in Arm FuSa
FuSa RTS examples package
The FuSa RTS software pack already included Blinky-style examples
based on Arm Fixed Virtual Platforms (FVPs) that demonstrate how to
setup a FuSa RTS project.
The new release additionally provides a separate examples package
with complex applications that show how advanced FuSa RTS features
can be used on a real hardware. Initially, two examples are provided
covering process isolation and fault handling:
TrafficLight is a complex example implementing process
isolation and system recovery. It also integrates CMSIS Ethernet
drivers, MDK Network Middleware and Software Test Library (STL).
Application note KAN336 describes the
example in details.
The fault handling example demonstrates handling of CPU
and RTOS faults using FuSa RTS capabilities.