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This feature works with...
ARM C166 C251 C51 Eval

Code Coverage
Updated! in µVision4

Debug Window with Code Coverage Code coverage marks code that has been executed helping to ensure you have thoroughly tested your application. It also provides support when tuning your testing strategy.

No Code Lines with no code are marked with a grey checked block.

Unexecuted Code Unexecuted lines (instructions) are marked with a grey block.

Executed Code Fully-executed lines (instructions) are marked with a green block.

Taken Branches Branches that have been taken are marked with a blue block.

Skipped Branches Branches that have been skipped are marked with an orange block.

Next Line to Execute The next line to execute is marked with a yellow arrow.

Code Coverage Button The Code Coverage button on the toolbar toggles display of the Code Coverage dialog which shows you the percentage of instructions in your program that have executed.

Code Coverage Dialog

Output Window Command Line You may save and restore coverage statistics for multiple debug sessions using the command line in the Output Window.

Notes Note

  • The Code Coverage feature is only availabe when using µVision Device Simulation, or when debugging a Cortex-M based device with ETM Instruction Trace.
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