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µVISION: Enabling The Source Browser

Information in this article applies to:

  • C51 Version 6.00 and later
  • C166 Version 4.03 and later
  • MDK Version 3.1 and later for Arm compiler version 4 and 5
  • MDK Version 5.24 and later for Arm compiler version 6


How do I turn on the Source Browser in µVision? When I click on the toolbar button it says No Browse Information available in ...


You must enable the Browser Information in your project, as follows:

  1. Choose Options for Target from the Project Menu
  2. Click on the Output tab
  3. Check the option Browse Information and click on OK

  4. Rebuild all target files

The Source Browser will now be available. Depending on the toolset, the browse information is created in different ways:

  • The C51, C166 and Arm compiler 5 generate the browse information during a project build. Therefore, the browse information is only available when the project was built successfully.
  • When the Arm compiler 6 is selected in a project, µVision creates the browse information rather than the compiler toolchain. The browse information is already available even before the project was built. In big projects, µVision may need some seconds or minutes to create the browse information. During the browse information update process, µVision displays the message Creating Browse Information ... in the µVision status bar.



Last Reviewed: Monday, December 14, 2020

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