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µVISION: Code Banking With C51

Information in this article applies to:

  • C51 Version 6.00 and later


How do I create code banking programs with µVision and C51?


Creating code banking programs with µVision is an easy process that requires only a few steps.

To create a code banking application (assuming you already have created a project in µVision)...

  1. In the Options for Target dialog (select Options for Target from the Project menu), check the Code Banking check box.
  2. Select the number of code banks from the Banks drop down.
  3. Enter the starting and ending addresses of the code banking area in the Bank Area input boxes.

This sets up your program for code banking. Now you need to assign each file in your project to a code bank (or to the common area).

µVision lets you assign the code bank to individual files or to groups of files. It may be advantageous to create a program group for each code bank in your application. Then you can simply add the source files for a code bank to the appropriate group.

To set the code bank in which a source file is stored...

  1. Right-click on a source file in the Project Window.
  2. Click on Options for File in the pop-up menu.
  3. Select the code bank using the Code drop down menu.

You may store the source file in the Common area or in any one of the code banks. If you select Default, the source file will be stored in the default bank for the File Group.

To set the code bank in which the files in a File Group are stored...

  1. Right-click on the file group in the Project Window.
  2. Click on Options for Group in the pop-up menu.
  3. Select the code bank from the Code drop down menu.


Last Reviewed: Wednesday, January 13, 2021

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