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C51: RET_PSTK Directive

Information in this article applies to:

  • C51 Version 6.01 and later


What does the RET_PSTK directive do?


The RET_PSTK directive causes the pdata reentrant stack to be used for return address. Normally, return addresses are stored on the 8051's hardware stack. This directive instructs the compiler to generate code that pops the return address from the hardware stack and stores it on the pdata reentrant stack.

You may use the RET_PSTK directive to unload return addresses from the on-chip (hardware) stack. This directive may be selectively used on the modules that contain the deepest stack nesting. If you use this directive, you must initialize the ?C_PBP reentrant stack pointer defined in the startup code.

The following example demonstrates the code generated to push and pop the return address on the pdata stack.

   1          #pragma RET_PSTK
   2          extern void func2 (void);
   4          void func (void)  {
   5   1        func2 ();
   6   1      }

             ; FUNCTION func (BEGIN)
0000 120000      E     LCALL   ?C?CALL_PBP
                                     ; SOURCE LINE # 5
0003 120000      E     LCALL   func2
                                     ; SOURCE LINE # 6
0006 020000      E     LJMP    ?C?RET_PBP
             ; FUNCTION func (END)


Last Reviewed: Thursday, February 25, 2021

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