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µVISION DEBUGGER: Argument Invalid When Using Debugger Function

Information in this article applies to:

  • µVision Version 2.05 and later


I'm having trouble using debugger functions with printf. In my C program, I create a global string:

char tststring[25] ={"Test string\0"};

In the debugger, I create a debug function to print this string:

FUNC void string(void)
printf (" %s\n",tststring);

The debugger gives me the following error message:

printf: argument 2 invalid

What's wrong with my debug function?


You cannot use variables from your C program in debug functions that way. Additionally, debug functions do not support structures, arrays, or pointers. A C string is an array of characters, so it isn't supported.


Last Reviewed: Wednesday, January 27, 2021

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