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µVISION: Locating a Code Table in a Code Bank

Information in this article applies to:

  • C51 Version 5 and Later
  • µVision Version 2 and Later


I have a table that I store in CODE memory:

code BYTE const tab1 [] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

This table is the only thing I have in the TABLE.C file. I want to locate this table in a particular code bank. I have set the bank number using the file options in µVision, however, this doesn't seem to work.


The bank number you selected in µVision only works with program segments (those that begin with ?PR?). The variable you have declared is a CODE segment and its segment name is ?CO?TABLE. You must manually locate code segments using the BL51 Misc Tab in the Project Options dialog.


For example, if your bank 2 starts at 0x8000 and you want to locate the code table segment at that location, in the BL51 Misc Tab of the Project Options dialog, enter the following in the Misc Controls input box:



  • Refer to BANKx in the BL51 User's Guide.

Last Reviewed: Wednesday, January 13, 2021

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