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µVISION: Excluding Files from a Target

Information in this article applies to:

  • µVision Version 2 and later


I have a project that I need to generate for two different platforms with different layouts. Each platform needs a different library (for example A.LIB and B.LIB).

In µVision, is there a way to include some files in one target but not in another?


Yes, µVision supports Project Targets which are various configurations of a single project.

Project Targets are created with Project - Components, Environment and Books - Project Components. You need to add all files that belong to your project even when they should be excluded in some Project Targets.

Source Files or Groups can be excluded from a Project Target in the Options dialog that is available in the context menu of the Project Workspace - Files tab. Right click on a file or file group and open the dialog Options - Properties. Disable the option Include in Target Build which excludes files from being compiled or linked.


  • Getting Started User's Guide, Creating Applications, Project Targets and File Groups
  • µVision3 User's Guide, Creating Applications, Project Targets and File Groups
  • µVision3 User's Guide, Creating Applications, Tips and Tricks, Properties Dialog


Last Reviewed: Friday, December 11, 2020

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