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µVISION: Target and Locate Dialog Relationship

Information in this article applies to:

  • C51


How do the memory settings in the Target Dialog and the BL51 Linker Dialog differ?


In µVision, the Target dialog allows you to specify 3 ranges of CODE (ROM) memory and 3 ranges of XDATA (RAM) memory. These ranges are translated into the required CODE and XDATA options for the linker and are displayed in the BL51 Locate Dialog.

You may choose to manually control the CODE and XDATA ranges in the BL51 Locate Dialog. To do so, be sure you uncheck the Use Memory Layout from Target Dialog checkbox in the BL51 Locate Dialog.

You may only use the Target Dialog or the BL51 Locate Dialog, but not both. The Target Dialog is easier to use but it is not as flexible.

Last Reviewed: Wednesday, January 27, 2021

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