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µVISION DEBUGGER: Debugging an Existing HEX File

Information in this article applies to:

  • µVision Version 2.12 and later


I have an existing HEX file that I want to simulate using the µVision Debugger.

  1. Will the µVision Debugger let me do this?
  2. If so, how do I start the debugger for a HEX file?


Yes, the µVision Debugger allows you to simulate the code in an Intel HEX file. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Start the µVision IDE and create a new project.
  2. When you are prompted to select a chip from the device database, select the chip that you use on the actual hardware. This chip is used to select the simulation driver used by the debugger.
  3. You do not need to add any files to the project.
  4. Select Options for Target from the Project menu.
  5. Click on the Debug tab.
  6. On the left side of the dialog box (under simulation) uncheck Load Application at Startup. Click OK.
  7. Select Start Debug Session from the Debug menu.
  8. In the Command Window, enter load myfile.hex where myfile.hex is the name of the HEX file you want to test.


Last Reviewed: Wednesday, December 9, 2020

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