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µVISION: Memory Range Out of Bounds

Information in this article applies to:

  • µVision Version 2.20a and later


In µVision, when I specify a starting address of 0x8000 and an ending address of 0xFFFF for my XDATA memory (in the target options dialog), I receive an error message that states:

Xdata memory range out of bounds

Why am I getting this error message?


In µVision, you must specify the starting address and the length of the ROM or RAM area -- not the ending address. This is different when specifying the segment ranges on the linker command line where the ending address is used.

When you specify a starting address of 0x8000 and a size of 0xFFFF, µVision displays the error message to indicate that the XDATA memory is not that large.

To correct this problem, specify a size of 0x8000 for your XDATA memory. Then, the space used will be from 0x8000-0xFFFF.

Note that this also applies to the CODE memory areas.

Last Reviewed: Monday, January 11, 2021

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