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µVISION DEBUGGER: Script to Output Circular Buffer

Information in this article applies to:

  • µVision Version 2.34


I have a circular buffer in my program that I access using next_in and next_out indexes. Is there a way I can create a debugger script to output the contents of the buffer in order?



The following script print_circ_buf accepts the address of the buffer, the length, and the next out and next in indexes. It outputs the address along with its contents.

func void print_circ_buf (
  unsigned long array,
  unsigned length,
  unsigned n_out,
  unsigned n_in) {

unsigned i;

if (n_in >= n_out)
  length = n_in;

for (i=n_out; i

You may wish to define a toolbox button to automatically call this function. For example:

define button "PrintBuffer", "print_circ_buf(circ_buffer, 17, next_out, next_in)"


Last Reviewed: Thursday, January 14, 2021

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