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µVISION DEBUGGER: Breakpoints lost with several Applications

Information in this article applies to:

  • µVision Version 2.38, or newer
  • Cx51 Compiler
  • C166 Compiler


I have a complex project that consists of several applications. When I set breakpoints, the µVision Debugger forgets the settings. 

Is there a way that µVision remembers old breakpoint settings?


Yes. The LOAD command in µVision has an INCREMENTAL option that adds debug information to the symbol table (instead of replacing it). When you use LOAD file INCREMENTAL, the Debugger will remember the breakpoint settings.

Typically, you would use a Debugger Initialization (INI) file that contains all the load commands. The INI file, which is specified in µVision under Options for Target — Debug — Initilziation File, should have the following commands:

load MyApp1 incremental
load MyApp2 incremental
load MyApp3 incremental


  • Refer to LOAD in the µVision User's Guide.


Last Reviewed: Tuesday, November 24, 2020

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