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EPM900: Device Programming With Hex Files

Information in this article applies to:

  • EPM900 LPC Emulator
  • LPC Development Studio 6.2005


Is it possible to use the EPM900 as device programmer for HEX files?

Looking at the µVision options, I was not able to find a way to do this.

Since the LPC tools that came with the EPM900 are limited to 4KB, do I need to buy a full version of the tools when my code exceeds the 4KB limit for device programming?


µVision can program HEX files as described in the EPM900 User's Guide, Programming HEX Files.

You do not need a full version of the tools, since loading and programming of HEX files is unrestricted even in the Demo/Evaluation Tools. However, you may need to upgrade to the latest version of the LPC Development Studio, since the HEX file loading is a new feature.

µVision can also be called from BATCH mode so that you can integrate the Flash programming into an automated process.



Last Reviewed: Thursday, February 25, 2021

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