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µVISION: Background theme in µVision Editor

Information in this knowledgebase article applies to:

  • µVision 4 or 5


I would like to configure the µVision editor with a black background color similar to the Dark Theme, which is available in Visual Studio.

How can this be achieved?


Please download the files attached to this knowledge base article. Extract the zip file, and see the files global.prop.def and global.prop. When using MDKv4 or MDKv4 legacy support, copies of these two files already exist in the UV4 folder. You can backup the original files by renaming them to *.txt files. Copy the new files into the UV4 folder. The default path for this folder is below:

C:\Keil_v5\UV4\    (µVision 5)
C:\Keil\UV4\       (µVision 4)

Then close and reopen µVision IDE. Then the background is dark and the text is bright, like the screenshot below:


These files provide the basic settings of Dark Theme and can be further adapted from the settings of this theme available in Visual Studio.



Request the files attached to this knowledgebase article.

Last Reviewed: Thursday, October 15, 2020

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